[racket] Is there any limitation, the numbers of arguments in Racket?

From: 亀田馬志 (masashi.kameda at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Jan 27 20:12:36 EST 2014

I've just installed Racket v.5.92.

I'm trying writing a Brainf*ck interpreter. It's not been completed yet.
By the way, the interpreter I'm making needs 7 arguments.
However, strangely it seems it can't recognize arguments.

(repl #f #f 0 #f 0 '((0 . 0)) #f)

result arity mismatch;
 expected number of values not received
  expected: 7
  received: 1
  in: local-binding form

Strange. Eventhough I gave 7 arguments, Racket says it receives only 1
As a experiment, I gave 6 arguments to the REPL.

(repl #f #f 0 #f 0 '((0 . 0)))

repl: arity mismatch;
 the expected number of arguments does not match the given number
  expected: 7
  given: 6
   '((0 . 0))

It seems that it can recognize up to 6 arguments.
Is there any limitation about the number of arguments in Racket?

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