[racket] FW: weakly held symbols?

From: Jos Koot (jos.koot at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Jan 27 17:53:42 EST 2014

It appears that my previous email was not sent completely. Sorry for that.
Here is the complete question.
Hi to all,
Section "3.6 symbols" of the Racket reference manual states:
Interned and unreadable symbols are only weakly held ... but a symbol maay
disappear when ... used as the key in a weak hash table ...".
I would understand:
UNINTERNED and unreadable symbols are only weakly held ... but a symbol may
disappear when ... used as the key in a weak hash table ...".
May be just a typo, but as I am not sure I understand the docs well, I post
my question here instead of posting a bug report.
Greetings, Jos
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