[racket] HtDP data definitions in Scribble

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Mon Jan 27 17:34:28 EST 2014

On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:02 PM, Marco Morazan <morazanm at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear All,
> Is there an easy (as in first-year students can do it) way nicely render data definitions a la HtDP using Scribble?
> For instance,
> A word is a (listof symbol).
> @defproc[(correct-spelling [w word?]) word]{Returns a word.}
> Having word? and word refer to its data definition.

I use this source format for HtDP/2e:

#reader scribble/comment-reader
;; A @deftech{List-of-amounts} is one of: 
;; -- @racket[empty]
;; -- @racket[(cons #, @tech{PositiveNumber} #, @tech{List-of-amounts})]
;; interp. a @tech{List-of-amounts} represents some amounts of money 

(1) it really is Racket/*SL code/comments
(2) 'deftech' is used to introduce the defined set (class) of data 
(3) tech is used to reference it both in the definition itself and outside

[I have some primitive emacs keystroke that do some of this work for me.]

Would I do this to freshmen? No. -- Matthias

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