[racket] typed/racket and contract boundaries
This is likely a bug, but I cannot reproduce using the following
program. Do you have a small test case?
#lang racket/load
(module typed typed/racket
(provide foo)
(: foo (Number -> Number))
(define (foo x) (add1 x)))
(module untyped racket
(require 'typed)
(foo 4))
(require 'untyped)
On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 8:25 AM, Spencer Florence <spencer at florence.io> wrote:
> I have a typed module being required by a normal #lang racket module.
> When I call a function from the typed module I get this error:
> default-blame-format: contract violation
> expected: a blame object with a non-#f positive field
> given: #<blame>
> Can someone give me some insight into what is going on?
> --spencer
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