[racket] Racket 5.92
At Mon, 27 Jan 2014 09:55:09 -0200, Eduardo Costa wrote:
> Here are the compilation steps:
> ./configure --disable-futures --disable--places --prefix=/usr/local
> make
> make install
> After a long time, compilation ends without a single warning. From the
> shell, one can run racket without problem, but drracket complains about a
> missing gracket. After copying gracket to /usr/local/lib, everything works.
> I also made a copy of libmzgc.a and libracket3m.a to /usr/local/lib.
That's a bug in launcher creation for a Unix-style installation. I've
pushed a repair that should go into the next version (including v6.0).
> The next step is compiling the vim editor. [...]
> c-mods mzscheme_base.c ++lib scheme/base
> make[1]: c-mods: Command not found
It looks like the problem is that the vim `configure` script checks for
"collects/scheme/base.rkt", which has moved into a package. Since it
doesn't find that, the `configure` script doesn't define
`MZSCHEME_MZC`, and so on.
A better strategy for the vim `configure` script is probably to run
racket -e '(display (collection-file-path "base.rkt" "scheme"))'
to get the path (which is used only as a Makefile dependency).