[racket] Style. for/fold for/list for/lists

From: J. Ian Johnson (ianj at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Sat Jan 18 13:51:27 EST 2014

Suffice it to say, my package does not have that expressive power. I'd be happy to collaborate with you to design a good extension to my package so that this kind of accumulation is easier.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Roman Klochkov" <kalimehtar at mail.ru>
To: "J. Ian Johnson" <ianj at ccs.neu.edu>
Cc: users at racket-lang.org
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2014 1:13:38 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re[2]: [racket] Style. for/fold for/list for/lists

It is great generalization for for/fold 

But still missed something like this: 

(iter (for i in l) 
(if (oddp i) (collect i into a) (collect i into b)) 
(when (> i 10) 
(collect i into a)) 
(finally (return a b))) 

Or in your for/acc 
(for/acc ([:type append] [:type append]) 
([i (in-list l)]) 
(if (odd? i) (values (if (> i 10) (list i i) (list i)) null) 
(values (if (> i 10) (list i) null) (list i)))) 

I had to double condition and the result is not so transparent. 

Simple solution is: 

(define (make-collector init add post) 
(let ([a init]) 
[(val) (set! a (add val a)] 
[() a]))) 

(define (make-list-collector [init '()]) (make-collector init cons reverse)) 

(let ([a (make-list-collector)] 
[b (make-list-collector)]) 
(for ([i (in-list l)]) 
(if (odd? i) (a i) (b i)) 
(when (> i 10) (a i))) 
(values (a) (b))) 

But they say, that purity is the best and one should avoid set!... so this way is the dark way, isn't it? 

Суббота, 18 января 2014, 8:02 -05:00 от "J. Ian Johnson" <ianj at ccs.neu.edu>: 

You have hit limitations of the for/fold macros. I wrote an extension for controlling the way values get accumulated, along with post-processing like list reversal. Let me know what you think! 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Roman Klochkov < kalimehtar at mail.ru > 
To: users at racket-lang.org 
Sent: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 06:25:10 -0500 (EST) 
Subject: [racket] Style. for/fold for/list for/lists 

Where can I find style guide for these 


I have to duplicate values names: 

(define-values ([(desc-args lengths add-data) 
(for/lists (desc-args lengths add-data) ([arg (in-list %args)]) 
....)) is it ok? Or better 
(define-values ([(desc-args lengths add-data) 
(for/lists (a b c) (...) ...)) 


for/fold has no "return" clause. So I have to do 
(for/fold (acc1 acc2 sum) (...) ...) 
(lambda (acc1 acc2 sum) (reverse acc1) (reverse acc2) sum)) 

And for/list doesn't allow to add several items to resulting list in one round. 
Even with for/fold it gives 

(for/fold (acc) ([item (in-list list)]) 
(values (cons (get-val1 item) 
(cons (get-val2 item) acc))))) 

Awful, especially for reading. 

It is clumsy and unobvious. 
In Common Lisp iterate I could do 
(iter (...) 
(collect (foo) into acc1) 
(collect (bar) into acc2) 
(summing ... into sum) 
(finally (return acc1 acc2 sum))) 


Is there something similar? 

Roman Klochkov 

Roman Klochkov 

Posted on the users mailing list.