[racket] Why does drawing to pdf require a scaling factor of 1.25?
Instantiating `pdf-dc%` gets some configuration from
`(current-ps-setup)`, and the default values of that parameter is a
`ps-setup%` that has a scaling factor 0.8.
Instead of scaling the drawing, you could install a `ps-setup%` with a
scaling factor of 1.0 while instantiating `pdf-dc%`.
At Thu, 9 Jan 2014 09:34:40 +1100, Daniel Prager wrote:
> I found empirically that when I save a image to pdf I need to scale it by
> 1.25.
> Code below.
> Why? Is there a setting I should use instead?
> Thanks
> Dan
> #lang racket
> (provide image->pdf)
> (require racket/draw
> (only-in 2htdp/image
> save-image
> image-width
> image-height
> scale
> ))
> (define (image->bitmap image)
> (let* ([width (image-width image)]
> [height (image-height image)]
> [bm (make-bitmap width height)]
> [dc (send bm make-dc)])
> (send dc clear)
> (send image draw dc 0 0 0 0 width height 0 0 #f)
> bm))
> (define (image->pdf image output-file)
> (define dc
> (new pdf-dc%
> [ interactive #f ]
> [ use-paper-bbox #f ]
> [ width (image-width image)]
> [ height (image-height image)]
> [ output output-file ]))
> (send* dc
> (start-doc "useless string")
> (start-page))
> (send dc draw-bitmap (image->bitmap (scale 1.25 image)) 0 0)
> (send* dc
> (end-page)
> (end-doc)))
> (module+ test
> (require (only-in 2htdp/image
> circle text square overlay above))
> (define im
> (overlay
> (above
> (circle 50 'solid 'red)
> (text "This is a red circle" 12 'black))
> (square 150 'solid 'lightblue)))
> (image->pdf im "image-test.pdf")
> (save-image im "image-test.png"))
> ____________________
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