[racket] Racket FFI to OpenOffice or LibreOffice API

From: Harry Spier (vasishtha.spier at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Jan 6 18:23:08 EST 2014

1) Has anyone written a Racket FFI to either the OpenOffice or LibreOffice

2) The interface is called UNO and from a very very brief look at the
documentation it appears to be written in C++ but there is a tool that they
say "maps all types to their corresponding C type declarations with a full
qualified type name", See

Given that information should it be fairly straightforward to write a FFI
to the UNO interface or because its written in C++ are there a lot of
"gotchas" to look out for.

I'm writing a bunch of macros for LibreOffice in Python but if its fairly
straightforward to do a FFI (I'd just restrict it to the few interface
calls I'm using)  I might look at that and do my development in Racket
instead of Python.

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