[racket] type assertions in plai-typed?
On Jan 6, 2014, at 11:59 AM, Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> I don't think there's a good way to write type assertions as the
> moment, so let's add one. What syntax do you suggest?
The simplest would just be a has-type that looks like an application.
(define (id x)
(has-type number x))
Actually, this one looks fine, too:
(define (id x)
(has-type x : number))
> At Mon, 6 Jan 2014 11:53:54 -0800, John Clements wrote:
>> I’ve bitten the bullet and announced to my PL class that we’ll be using #lang
>> plai-typed. Right now, I’m trying to figure out if there’s an easy way to do
>> type debugging; in particular, I anticipate wanting to make assertions about
>> the type of expressions that are buried inside of other expressions. Is there a
>> form that allows me to do this? I had imagined that I could do it with ‘let’,
>> but ‘let’ doesn’t take any type annotations.
>> Currently, the best I’ve got is an in-line application to an identity function
>> with a type attached. So, for instance, if I have this function
>> (define (id x)
>> x)
>> … and I want to ensure that the expression ‘x’ has type number, I can write:
>> (define (id x)
>> ((lambda ((z : number)) z) x))
>> … but that’s pretty painful. Is there an easier way? (Yes, I could add a type
>> annotation to the declaration of ‘x’ and to the return type of the function,
>> but I’m imagining a larger function where the expression in question is neither
>> an argument to nor the result of the function.)
>> Many thanks,
>> John
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