[racket] define-match-expander

From: Jens Axel Søgaard (jensaxel at soegaard.net)
Date: Fri Jan 3 17:55:57 EST 2014


I have introduced modules and "conventions".

Identifiers in a pattern that begins with sym must match symbols
Identifiers in a pattern that begins with r or s must match numbers.
Identifiers in a pattern that begins with m or n must match exact integers.

The conventions are hard coded, so a nice exension would we
to replace the hard coded conventions with user-defineable ones.

Something like define-conventions for syntax-parse.


/Jens Axel

#lang racket
(require (for-syntax racket/string racket/match)

(module+ test (require rackunit))

(module conventions racket
  (provide find-convention-type conventions
           (struct-out convention))
  (require racket/stxparam (for-template racket))
  ; A CONVENTION consists of a predicate
  ;   pred? : string -> boolean
  ; and a syntax object representing an identifier
  ; bound to a predicate e.g #'number?
  (struct convention (pred? type))

  (define (make-begins-with-pred s)
    (λ (t) (regexp-match (~a "^" s) t)))

  (define conventions
    (list (convention (make-begins-with-pred "sym") #'symbol?)
          (convention (make-begins-with-pred "r") #'number?)
          (convention (make-begins-with-pred "s") #'number?)
          (convention (make-begins-with-pred "m") #'exact-integer?)
          (convention (make-begins-with-pred "n") #'exact-integer?)))

  (define (find-convention-type s)
    (for/or ([c (in-list conventions)])
      (and ((convention-pred? c) s)
           (convention-type c)))))

(module+ test (require (submod ".." conventions))
  (check-equal? (syntax->datum (find-convention-type "r")) 'number?)
  (check-equal? (syntax->datum (find-convention-type "sym")) 'symbol?)
  (check-equal? (find-convention-type "foo") #f))

(module colon-match-helpers racket
  (provide type-str->stx-type-pred id:type? parse-pat-str)
  (require (only-in lang/htdp-intermediate-lambda string-contains?)
           (for-template (only-in racket number? string? symbol? list?
vector? boolean? procedure?)))

  (define (type-str->stx-type-pred type-str)
    (match type-str
      ["num" #'number?]
      ["int" #'integer?]
      ["str" #'string?]
      ["sym" #'symbol?]
      ["lst" #'list?]
      ["vec" #'vector?]
      ["bool" #'boolean?]
      ["proc" #'procedure?]
      [_ #f]))

  (define (split str) (string-split str ":"))

  (define (parse-pat-str pat-str stx)
    (match (split pat-str)
      [(list pat-name-strs ... type-str)
       (with-syntax ([type-pred (type-str->stx-type-pred type-str)]
                     [pat-name (datum->syntax stx (string->symbol
(string-join pat-name-strs ":")))])
         #'(? type-pred pat-name))]))

  (define (id:type? str)
    (and (string-contains? ":" str)
         (<= 2 (length (split str)))
         (type-str->stx-type-pred (last (split str))))))

(module colon-match racket
  (provide :match :pat)
  (require (for-syntax racket/match (submod ".." colon-match-helpers)
(submod ".." conventions)))

  (define-match-expander :pat
    (lambda (stx)
      (define (rewrite-id pat)
        (let* ([pat-sym (syntax->datum pat)]
               [pat-str (symbol->string pat-sym)])
            [(id:type? pat-str)                (parse-pat-str pat-str stx)]
            [(find-convention-type pat-str) => (λ (pred)
                                                 (with-syntax ([pred pred]
(datum->syntax stx pat-sym)])
                                                   #'(? pred name)))]
            [else                              pat])))
      (define (rewrite pat_0)
        (syntax-case pat_0 ()
          [pat (identifier? #'pat) (rewrite-id #'pat)]
          [pat #'pat]))
      (syntax-case stx ()
        [(_ pat)
         (identifier? #'pat) (rewrite-id #'pat)]
        [(_ #(pat ...))      (syntax/loc stx (vector (:pat pat) ...))]
        [(_ (pat0 pat ...))  (with-syntax ([(p ...) (map rewrite
(syntax->list #'(pat0 pat ...)))])
                               (syntax/loc stx (p ...)))]
        [(_ #&pat)           (with-syntax ([p (rewrite #'pat)])
                               (syntax/loc stx #&p))]
        [(_ pat)
         (prefab-struct-key (syntax-e #'pat))
         (let ([key-datum (prefab-struct-key (syntax-e #'pat))])
           (match (struct->vector (syntax-e #'pat))
             [(vector struct:key-datum subpats ...)
              (datum->syntax stx (apply make-prefab-struct key-datum
(map rewrite subpats)))]))]
        [(_ pat)             #'pat])))

  (define-syntax (:match stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
      [(:match val-expr [pat . more] ...)
       (with-syntax ([(new-pat ...)
                      (for/list ([pat-stx (in-list (syntax->list #'(pat ...)))])
                        (datum->syntax pat-stx `(:pat ,(syntax->datum
         (syntax/loc stx (match val-expr [new-pat . more] ...)))])))

(module+ test (require (submod ".." colon-match))
  (check-equal? (match 1 [(:pat n:num) n]) 1)
  (check-equal? (match 'x [(:pat n:num) n] [_ 2]) 2)
  (check-equal? (match "string" [(:pat s:str) s]) "string")
  (check-equal? (match 'x [(:pat s:str) s] [_ 2]) 2)
  (check-equal? (match (list 1 2 3) [(:pat l:lst) l]) (list 1 2 3))
  (check-equal? (match 'x [(:pat l:lst) l] [_ 2]) 2)
  (check-equal? (match 'x [(:pat l) l]) 'x)

  (check-equal? (match '(2 x "foo" (3 4)) [(:pat (list n t f l)) (list
n t f l)]) '(2 x "foo" (3 4)))
  (check-equal? (match '(42 x) [(:pat (list n:num s:sym)) (list n s)])
'(42 x))
  (check-equal? (match '(42 x) [(:pat (list n:num s:sym)) (list n s)]) '(42 x))
  (check-equal? (:match '(42 x) [(list n:num s:sym) (list n s)]) '(42 x))
  (check-equal? (:match 1 [n:num n]) 1)
  (check-equal? (:match 'x [n:num n] [_ 2]) 2)
  (check-equal? (:match "string" [s:str s]) "string")
  (check-equal? (:match 'x [s:str s] [_ 2]) 2)
  (check-equal? (:match (list 1 2 3) [l:lst l]) (list 1 2 3))
  (check-equal? (:match 'x [l:lst l] [_ 2]) 2)
  (check-equal? (:match (vector 1 2 3) [v:vec v]) (vector 1 2 3))
  (check-equal? (:match 'x [v:vec v] [_ 2]) 2)
  (check-equal? (:match #t [b:bool b]) #t)
  (check-equal? (:match #f [b:bool b]) #f)
  (check-equal? (:match 'x [b:bool b] [_ 2]) 2)
  (check-equal? (:match 'x [l l]) 'x)
  (check-equal? (:match (list 1 "2" '|3|)
                        [(list a:1:num b:2:str c:3:sym)
                         (list a:1 (string->number b:2)
(string->number (symbol->string c:3)))])
                (list 1 2 3))
  (check-equal? (:match 42.0 [r r]) 42.0)
  (check-equal? (:match 42.0 [n n] [r #t]) #t)
  (check-equal? (:match 'x [r r] [_ 42]) 42)
  (check-equal? (:match 'x [sym123 sym123]) 'x))

(require (submod "." colon-match))

2013/12/30 Alexander D. Knauth <alexander at knauth.org>:
> I got it to work for prefab structures.  Is there anything else I should put
> in?
> (define (rewrite pat_0)
>   (syntax-case pat_0 ()
>     [pat (identifier? #'pat) (rewrite-id #'pat stx)]
>     [(pat ...)
>      (with-syntax ([(p ...) (map rewrite (syntax->list #'(pat ...)))])
>        (syntax/loc stx (p ...)))]
>     [#(pat ...)
>      (with-syntax ([(p ...) (map rewrite (syntax->list #'(pat ...)))])
>        (syntax/loc stx #(p ...)))]
>     [#&pat
>      (with-syntax ([p (rewrite #'pat)])
>        (syntax/loc stx #&p))]
>     [pat (prefab-struct-key (syntax-e #'pat))
>          (let ([key-datum (prefab-struct-key (syntax-e #'pat))])
>            (match (struct->vector (syntax-e #'pat))
>              [(vector struct:key-datum subpats ...)
>               (datum->syntax stx (apply make-prefab-struct key-datum (map
> rewrite subpats)))]))]
>     [pat #'pat]))
> (check-equal? (:match #s(key-datum 1 2 3)
>                       [`#s(key-datum ,a:num ,b:num ,c:num) (list a b c)])
>               (list 1 2 3))
> (check-equal? (:match #s(key-datum_0 1 2 3)
>                       [`#s(key-datum_0 ,a:num ,b:num ,c:num) (list a b c)])
>               (list 1 2 3))
> The whole thing is here:
> (by the way I also made it so that something:something-else:num works as a
> pattern with the name something:something-else.)
> #lang racket
> (require rackunit)
> (require (for-syntax
>           (only-in lang/htdp-intermediate-lambda
>                    string-contains?)
>           racket/list
>           racket/string
>           racket/match))
> (begin-for-syntax
>  (define (type-str->stx-type-pred type-str)
>    (match type-str
>      ["num" #'number?]
>      ["int" #'integer?]
>      ["str" #'string?]
>      ["sym" #'symbol?]
>      ["lst" #'list?]
>      ["vec" #'vector?]
>      ["bool" #'boolean?]
>      ["proc" #'procedure?]
>      [_ #f]))
>  (define (split str)
>    (string-split str ":"))
>  (define (rewrite-id pat stx)
>    (let* ([pat-sym (syntax->datum pat)]
>           [pat-str (symbol->string pat-sym)])
>      (if (id:type? pat-str)
>          (parse-pat-str pat-str stx)
>          pat)))
>  (define (parse-pat-str pat-str stx)
>    (match (split pat-str)
>      [(list pat-name-strs ... type-str)
>       (with-syntax ([type-pred (type-str->stx-type-pred type-str)]
>                     [pat-name (datum->syntax stx (string->symbol
> (string-join pat-name-strs ":")))])
>         #'(? type-pred pat-name))]))
>  (define (id:type? str)
>    (and (string-contains? ":" str)
>         (<= 2 (length (split str)))
>         (type-str->stx-type-pred (last (split str)))))
>  )
> (define-match-expander :pat
>   (lambda (stx)
>     (define (rewrite pat_0)
>       (syntax-case pat_0 ()
>         [pat (identifier? #'pat) (rewrite-id #'pat stx)]
>         [(pat ...)
>          (with-syntax ([(p ...) (map rewrite (syntax->list #'(pat ...)))])
>            (syntax/loc stx (p ...)))]
>         [#(pat ...)
>          (with-syntax ([(p ...) (map rewrite (syntax->list #'(pat ...)))])
>            (syntax/loc stx #(p ...)))]
>         [#&pat
>          (with-syntax ([p (rewrite #'pat)])
>            (syntax/loc stx #&p))]
>         [pat (prefab-struct-key (syntax-e #'pat))
>              (let ([key-datum (prefab-struct-key (syntax-e #'pat))])
>                (match (struct->vector (syntax-e #'pat))
>                  [(vector struct:key-datum subpats ...)
>                   (datum->syntax stx (apply make-prefab-struct key-datum
> (map rewrite subpats)))]))]
>         [pat #'pat]))
>     (syntax-case stx ()
>       [(_ pat) (rewrite #'pat)])))
> (define-syntax (:match stx)
>  (syntax-case stx ()
>    [(:match val-expr [pat . more] ...)
>     (with-syntax ([(new-pat ...) (for/list ([pat-stx (in-list (syntax->list
> #'(pat ...)))])
>                                    (datum->syntax pat-stx `(:pat
> ,(syntax->datum pat-stx))))])
>     #'(match val-expr [new-pat . more] ...))]))
> (check-equal? (:match 1 [n:num n]) 1)
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [n:num n] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (:match "string" [s:str s]) "string")
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [s:str s] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (:match (list 1 2 3) [l:lst l]) (list 1 2 3))
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [l:lst l] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (:match (vector 1 2 3) [v:vec v]) (vector 1 2 3))
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [v:vec v] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (:match #t [b:bool b]) #t)
> (check-equal? (:match #f [b:bool b]) #f)
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [b:bool b] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [l l]) 'x)
> (check-equal? (:match '(2 x "foo" (3 4)) [(list n s f l) (list n s f l)])
> '(2 x "foo" (3 4)))
> (check-equal? (:match '(42 x) [(list n:num s:sym) (list n s)]) '(42 x))
> (check-equal? (:match (list 1 "2" '|3|)
>                       [(list a:1:num b:2:str c:3:sym)
>                        (list a:1 (string->number b:2) (string->number
> (symbol->string c:3)))])
>               (list 1 2 3))
> (check-equal? (:match '(1 2 #(1 2 3 (1 2 3 4)))
>                       [(list a:num b:num (vector c:num d:num e:num (list
> f:num g:num h:num i:num)))
>                        (list a b c d e f g h i)])
>               (list 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4))
> (check-equal? (:match '(1 2 #(1 2 3 (1 2 3 #&4)))
>                       [`(,a:num ,b:num #(,c:num ,d:num ,e:num (,f:num ,g:num
> ,h:num #&,i:num)))
>                        (list a b c d e f g h i)])
>               (list 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4))
> (check-equal? (:match #s(key-datum 1 2 3)
>                       [`#s(key-datum ,a:num ,b:num ,c:num) (list a b c)])
>               (list 1 2 3))
> (check-equal? (:match #s(key-datum_0 1 2 3)
>                       [`#s(key-datum_0 ,a:num ,b:num ,c:num) (list a b c)])
>               (list 1 2 3))
> On Dec 29, 2013, at 6:53 PM, Alexander D. Knauth wrote:
> I got it to work for lists, vectors, and boxes, but I'm having trouble for
> prefab structure types.
> (by the way I renamed the rewrite function to rewrite-id and made a new
> rewrite function that deals with lists, vectors, boxes, and prefab
> structures.)
> Here's my new rewrite function:
> (define (rewrite pat_0)
>   (syntax-case pat_0 ()
>     [pat (identifier? #'pat) (rewrite-id #'pat stx)]
>     [(pat ...)
>      (with-syntax ([(p ...) (map rewrite (syntax->list #'(pat ...)))])
>        (syntax/loc stx (p ...)))]
>     [#(pat ...)
>      (with-syntax ([(p ...) (map rewrite (syntax->list #'(pat ...)))])
>        (syntax/loc stx #(p ...)))]
>     [#&pat
>      (with-syntax ([p (rewrite #'pat)])
>        (syntax/loc stx #&p))]
>     [#s(key-datum pat ...)
>      (with-syntax ([(p ...) (map rewrite (syntax->list #'(pat ...)))])
>        (syntax/loc stx #s(key-datum p ...)))]
>     [pat #'pat]))
> the problem is that I can't make key-datum a pattern.  For example this
> works:
> (check-equal? (:match #s(key-datum 1 2 3)
>                       [`#s(key-datum ,a:num ,b:num ,c:num) (list a b c)])
>               (list 1 2 3))
> But this doesn't (because a, b, and c are undefined)
> (check-equal? (:match #s(key-datum_0 1 2 3)
>                       [`#s(key-datum_0 ,a:num ,b:num ,c:num) (list a b c)])
>               (list 1 2 3))
> How do I turn the key-datum in #s(key-datum pat ...) into a syntax-case
> pattern so that it recognizes all prefab structures instead of just
> #s(key-datum pat ...) as opposed to #s(other-key-datum pat ...)?
> Here's the whole thing:
> #lang racket
> (require rackunit)
> (require (for-syntax
>           (only-in lang/htdp-intermediate-lambda
>                    string-contains?)
>           racket/string
>           racket/match))
> (begin-for-syntax
>  (define (type-str->stx-type-pred type-str)
>    (match type-str
>      ["num" #'number?]
>      ["int" #'integer?]
>      ["str" #'string?]
>      ["sym" #'symbol?]
>      ["lst" #'list?]
>      ["vec" #'vector?]
>      ["bool" #'boolean?]
>      ["proc" #'procedure?]
>      [_ #f]))
>  (define (split str) (string-split str ":"))
>  (define (rewrite-id pat stx)
>    (let* ([pat-sym (syntax->datum pat)]
>           [pat-str (symbol->string pat-sym)])
>      (if (id:type? pat-str)
>          (parse-pat-str pat-str stx)
>          pat)))
>  (define (parse-pat-str pat-str stx)
>    (match (split pat-str)
>      [(list pat-name-str type-str)
>       (with-syntax ([type-pred (type-str->stx-type-pred type-str)]
>                     [pat-name (datum->syntax stx (string->symbol
> pat-name-str))])
>         #'(? type-pred pat-name))]))
>  (define (id:type? str)
>    (and (string-contains? ":" str)
>         (= 2 (length (split str)))
>         (type-str->stx-type-pred (cadr (split str)))))
>  )
> (define-match-expander :pat
>   (lambda (stx)
>     (define (rewrite pat_0)
>       (syntax-case pat_0 ()
>         [pat (identifier? #'pat) (rewrite-id #'pat stx)]
>         [(pat ...)
>          (with-syntax ([(p ...) (map rewrite (syntax->list #'(pat ...)))])
>            (syntax/loc stx (p ...)))]
>         [#(pat ...)
>          (with-syntax ([(p ...) (map rewrite (syntax->list #'(pat ...)))])
>            (syntax/loc stx #(p ...)))]
>         [#&pat
>          (with-syntax ([p (rewrite #'pat)])
>            (syntax/loc stx #&p))]
>         [#s(key-datum pat ...)
>          (with-syntax ([(p ...) (map rewrite (syntax->list #'(pat ...)))])
>            (syntax/loc stx #s(key-datum p ...)))]
>         [pat #'pat]))
>     (syntax-case stx ()
>       [(_ pat) (rewrite #'pat)])))
> (define-syntax (:match stx)
>  (syntax-case stx ()
>    [(:match val-expr [pat . more] ...)
>     (with-syntax ([(new-pat ...) (for/list ([pat-stx (in-list (syntax->list
> #'(pat ...)))])
>                                    (datum->syntax pat-stx `(:pat
> ,(syntax->datum pat-stx))))])
>     #'(match val-expr [new-pat . more] ...))]))
> (check-equal? (:match 1 [n:num n]) 1)
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [n:num n] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (:match "string" [s:str s]) "string")
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [s:str s] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (:match (list 1 2 3) [l:lst l]) (list 1 2 3))
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [l:lst l] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (:match (vector 1 2 3) [v:vec v]) (vector 1 2 3))
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [v:vec v] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (:match #t [b:bool b]) #t)
> (check-equal? (:match #f [b:bool b]) #f)
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [b:bool b] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [l l]) 'x)
> (check-equal? (:match '(2 x "foo" (3 4)) [(list n s f l) (list n s f l)])
> '(2 x "foo" (3 4)))
> (check-equal? (:match '(42 x) [(list n:num s:sym) (list n s)]) '(42 x))
> (check-equal? (:match '(1 2 #(1 2 3 (1 2 3 4)))
>                       [(list a:num b:num (vector c:num d:num e:num (list
> f:num g:num h:num i:num)))
>                        (list a b c d e f g h i)])
>               (list 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4))
> (check-equal? (:match '(1 2 #(1 2 3 (1 2 3 #&4)))
>                       [`(,a:num ,b:num #(,c:num ,d:num ,e:num (,f:num ,g:num
> ,h:num #&,i:num)))
>                        (list a b c d e f g h i)])
>               (list 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4))
> (check-equal? (:match #s(key-datum 1 2 3)
>                       [`#s(key-datum ,a:num ,b:num ,c:num) (list a b c)])
>               (list 1 2 3))
> ;; this doesn't work:
> ;
> ;(check-equal? (:match #s(key-datum_0 1 2 3)
> ;                      [`#s(key-datum_0 ,a:num ,b:num ,c:num) (list a b c)])
> ;              (list 1 2 3))
> On Dec 29, 2013, at 4:01 PM, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
> 2013/12/29 Alexander D. Knauth <alexander at knauth.org>:
> I was seeing if it would work with nested patterns and quasiquoted patterns
> and it didn't, so I had to change the rewrite function and use (vector?
> (syntax-e pat)) to check for a vector written like `#(,a:num ,b:num ,c:num).
> like this:
> (define (rewrite pat)
>     (cond [(identifier? pat) (let* ([pat-sym (syntax->datum pat)]
>                                     [pat-str (symbol->string pat-sym)])
>                                (if (id:type? pat-str)
>                                    (parse-pat-str pat-str stx)
>                                    pat))]
>           [(syntax->list pat) (datum->syntax pat (map rewrite (syntax->list
> pat)))]
>           [(vector? (syntax-e pat)) (datum->syntax pat (vector-map rewrite
> (syntax-e pat)))]
>           [else (print pat) (newline) (error "I don't know what to do.
> given:" pat)]))
> For the vector thing, I had to put a special clause in that did a vector-map
> instead of a map.
> Is there any other stuff (like the #(1 2 3) notation for vectors) that I
> should be worried about,
> There are boxes and prefab structures. See the list here:
> http://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/stx-patterns.html?q=syntax-case#%28form._%28%28lib._racket%2Fprivate%2Fstxcase-scheme..rkt%29._syntax-case%29%29
> ... or is there another way to write the rewrite
> function to handle stuff like this that wouldn't require a cond case for
> every type of data that pat could be?
> I don't see a way around it.
> /Jens Axel
> The whole thing is here:
> #lang racket
> (require rackunit)
> (require (for-syntax
>          (only-in lang/htdp-intermediate-lambda
>                   string-contains?)
>          racket/string
>          racket/match
>          racket/vector))
> (begin-for-syntax
> (define (type-str->stx-type-pred type-str)
>   (match type-str
>     ["num" #'number?]
>     ["str" #'string?]
>     ["sym" #'symbol?]
>     ["lst" #'list?]
>     ["vec" #'vector?]
>     ["bool" #'boolean?]
>     ["proc" #'procedure?]
>     [_ #f]))
> (define (split str) (string-split str ":"))
> (define (parse-pat-str pat-str stx)
>   (match (split pat-str)
>     [(list pat-name-str type-str)
>      (with-syntax ([type-pred (type-str->stx-type-pred type-str)]
>                    [pat-name (datum->syntax stx (string->symbol
> pat-name-str))])
>        #'(? type-pred pat-name))]))
> (define (id:type? str)
>   (and (string-contains? ":" str)
>        (= 2 (length (split str)))
>        (type-str->stx-type-pred (cadr (split str)))))
> )
> (define-match-expander :pat
> (lambda (stx)
>   (define (rewrite pat)
>     (cond [(identifier? pat) (let* ([pat-sym (syntax->datum pat)]
>                                     [pat-str (symbol->string pat-sym)])
>                                (if (id:type? pat-str)
>                                    (parse-pat-str pat-str stx)
>                                    pat))]
>           [(syntax->list pat) (datum->syntax pat (map rewrite (syntax->list
> pat)))]
>           [(vector? (syntax-e pat)) (datum->syntax pat (vector-map rewrite
> (syntax-e pat)))]
>           [else (print pat) (newline) (error "I don't know what to do.
> given:" pat)]))
>   (syntax-case stx ()
>     [(_ pat) (identifier? #'pat) (rewrite #'pat)]
>     [(_ (pat ...))
>      (with-syntax ([(p ...) (map rewrite (syntax->list #'(pat ...)))])
>        (syntax/loc stx (p ...)))]
>     [(_ pat) #'pat])))
> (define-syntax (:match stx)
> (syntax-case stx ()
>   [(:match val-expr [pat . more] ...)
>    (with-syntax ([(new-pat ...) (for/list ([pat-stx (in-list (syntax->list
> #'(pat ...)))])
>                                   (datum->syntax pat-stx `(:pat
> ,(syntax->datum pat-stx))))])
>    #'(match val-expr [new-pat . more] ...))]))
> (check-equal? (:match 1 [n:num n]) 1)
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [n:num n] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (:match "string" [s:str s]) "string")
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [s:str s] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (:match (list 1 2 3) [l:lst l]) (list 1 2 3))
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [l:lst l] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (:match (vector 1 2 3) [v:vec v]) (vector 1 2 3))
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [v:vec v] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (:match #t [b:bool b]) #t)
> (check-equal? (:match #f [b:bool b]) #f)
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [b:bool b] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (:match 'x [l l]) 'x)
> (check-equal? (:match '(2 x "foo" (3 4)) [(list n s f l) (list n s f l)])
> '(2 x "foo" (3 4)))
> (check-equal? (:match '(42 x) [(list n:num s:sym) (list n s)]) '(42 x))
> (check-equal? (:match '(1 2 #(1 2 3 (1 2 3 4)))
>                      [(list a:num b:num (vector a:num b:num c:num (list
> a:num b:num c:num d:num)))
>                       (list a b c d)])
>              (list 1 2 3 4))
> (check-equal? (:match '(1 2 #(1 2 3 (1 2 3 4)))
>                      [`(,a:num ,b:num #(,a:num ,b:num ,c:num (,a:num ,b:num
> ,c:num ,d:num)))
>                       (list a b c d)])
>              (list 1 2 3 4))
> On Dec 29, 2013, at 12:04 PM, Alexander D. Knauth wrote:
> I'm not really sure why this works either, but try this:
> (define-syntax (:match stx)
> (syntax-case stx ()
>   [(:match val-expr [pat . more] ...)
>    (with-syntax ([(new-pat ...) (for/list ([pat-stx (in-list (syntax->list
> #'(pat ...)))])
>                                   (datum->syntax pat-stx `(:pat
> ,(syntax->datum pat-stx))))])
>    #'(match val-expr [new-pat . more] ...))]))
> (check-equal? (:match '(42 x) [(list n:num s:sym) (list n s)])
>              (match '(42 x) [(:pat (list n:num s:sym)) (list n s)]))
> On Dec 29, 2013, at 8:54 AM, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
> Hi Alexander,
> I extended your example to allow other patterns than symbols inside :pat.
> (match '(42 x)  [(:pat (list n:num s:sym))   (list n s)])
>   (list 42 x)
> This works fine. I now want to "hide" the :pat, that is I want to write:
>   (:match '(42 x)  [(list n:num s:sym)  (list n s)])
> Since the syntax of match is: (match val-expr clause ...) and each clause
> has the form  [pat . more]  we can rewrite pat to [(:pat pat) . more].
> So I tried this:
> (define-syntax (:match stx)
>   (syntax-case stx ()
>     [(_ val-expr [pat . more] ...)
>      #'(match val-expr [(:pat pat) . more] ...)]))
> This doesn't work however. I am tempted to consider this a bug in match,
> but I am not sure.
> #lang racket
> (require (for-syntax (only-in lang/htdp-intermediate-lambda
> string-contains?)
>                    racket/string
>                    racket/match)
>        rackunit)
> (begin-for-syntax
> (define (type-str->stx-type-pred type-str)
>   (match type-str
>     ["num" #'number?]
>     ["str" #'string?]
>     ["sym" #'symbol?]
>     ["lst" #'list?]
>     [_ #f]))
> (define (split str) (string-split str ":"))
> (define (parse-pat-str pat-str stx)
>   (match (split pat-str)
>     [(list pat-name-str type-str)
>      (with-syntax ([type-pred (type-str->stx-type-pred type-str)]
>                    [pat-name (datum->syntax stx (string->symbol
> pat-name-str))])
>        #'(? type-pred pat-name))]))
> (define (id:type? str)
>   (and (string-contains? ":" str)
>        (type-str->stx-type-pred (cadr (split str))))))
> (define-match-expander :pat
> (lambda (stx)
>   (define (rewrite pat)
>     (let* ([pat-sym (syntax->datum pat)]
>            [pat-str (symbol->string pat-sym)])
>       (if (id:type? pat-str)
>           (parse-pat-str pat-str stx)
>           pat)))
>   (syntax-case stx ()
>     [(_ pat) (identifier? #'pat) (rewrite #'pat)]
>     [(_ (pat ...))
>      (with-syntax ([(p ...) (map rewrite (syntax->list #'(pat ...)))])
>        (syntax/loc stx (p ...)))]
>     [(_ pat) #'pat])))
> (define-syntax (:match stx)
> (syntax-case stx ()
>   [(_ val-expr [pat . more] ...)
>    #'(match val-expr [(:pat pat) . more] ...)]))
> (check-equal? (match 1 [(:pat n:num) n]) 1)
> (check-equal? (match 'x [(:pat n:num) n] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (match "string" [(:pat s:str) s]) "string")
> (check-equal? (match 'x [(:pat s:str) s] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (match (list 1 2 3) [(:pat l:lst) l]) (list 1 2 3))
> (check-equal? (match 'x [(:pat l:lst) l] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (match 'x [(:pat l) l]) 'x)
> (check-equal? (match '(2 x "foo" (3 4)) [(:pat (list n s f l)) (list n
> s f l)]) '(2 x "foo" (3 4)))
> (check-equal? (match '(42 x) [(:pat (list n:num s:sym)) (list n s)]) '(42
> x))
> (match '(42 x) [(:pat (list n:num s:sym)) (list n s)])
> ; (:match '(42 x) [(list n:num s:sym) (list n s)])
> 2013/12/28 Alexander D.Knauth <alexander at knauth.org>:
> I just wrote a match-expander that does something like that:
> (check-equal? (match 1 [(my-pat n:num) n]) 1)
> (check-equal? (match 'x [(my-pat n:num) n] [_ 2]) 2)
> like this:
> #lang racket
> (require rackunit)
> (require (for-syntax
>         (only-in lang/htdp-intermediate-lambda
>                  string-contains?)
>         racket/string
>         racket/match))
> (define-match-expander my-pat
> (lambda (stx)
>   (syntax-case stx ()
>     [(my-pat pat)
>      (let* ([pat-sym (syntax->datum #'pat)]
>             [pat-str (symbol->string pat-sym)])
>        (cond [(not (string-contains? ":" pat-str))
>               #'pat]
>              [else
>               (parse-pat-str pat-str stx)]))])))
> (define-for-syntax (parse-pat-str pat-str stx)
> (let ([split-pat (string-split pat-str ":")])
>   (match split-pat
>     [(list pat-name-str type-str)
>      (with-syntax ([type-pred (type-str->stx-type-pred type-str)]
>                    [pat-name (datum->syntax stx (string->symbol
> pat-name-str))])
>        #'(? type-pred pat-name))])))
> (define-for-syntax (type-str->stx-type-pred type-str)
> (match type-str
>   ["num" #'number?]
>   ["str" #'string?]
>   ["lst" #'list?]))
> (check-equal? (match 1 [(my-pat n:num) n]) 1)
> (check-equal? (match 'x [(my-pat n:num) n] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (match "string" [(my-pat s:str) s]) "string")
> (check-equal? (match 'x [(my-pat s:str) s] [_ 2]) 2)
> (check-equal? (match (list 1 2 3) [(my-pat l:lst) l]) (list 1 2 3))
> (check-equal? (match 'x [(my-pat l:lst) l] [_ 2]) 2)
> On Dec 26, 2013, at 2:45 PM, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
> The match pattern (? number? n) matches  number and
> binds it to n.
> (match 1 [(? number? n) n])
> 1
> I'd like to write  (match 1 [n:num n]) instead.
> Since there is no define-identifier-match-expander I have
> tried to make (match 1 [(n:num) n]) work. I need a hint.
> Here is a non-working attempt:
> (define-match-expander n:num
> (λ(stx)
>  (syntax-case stx ()
>    [(id)
>     (with-syntax ([n (syntax/loc #'id n)])
>       #'(? number? n))])))
> (check-equal? (match 1 [(n:num) n]) 1)
> (check-equal? (match 'x [(n:num) n] [_ 2]) 2)
> /Jens Axel
> --
> Jens Axel Søgaard
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> --
> Jens Axel Søgaard
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> --
> Jens Axel Søgaard
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Jens Axel Søgaard

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