[racket] Problem around Creating Excutables
Oh, Thanx. I see, now it works!
#lang racket
(reencode-output-port (current-output-port) "shift_jis"))
(display "あ")
Yeah, for Japanese people using Windows, the word "SHIFT-JIS' is so
familiar; but strangely, it didn't pop up in my mind.... (I tried putting
'windows-932', since chcp command told me so, several times, and I was
being upset) (^^ ;
Now having "mojibake" solved.
Here are two questions.
I'm trying making a game with REPL structure, or similar to an interpreter.
I guessed, according to the code above and the discussion shown in:
, I have to put '(flush-output)' here in like this:
(define (read ....))
(define (eval ...
;;; pseudo
(cond ((you want exit?)
(flush-output) (exit))
(else (continue-game))
(define (print ...))
Is this O.K? or do I have to put (flush-output) every time after (display)?
The second question is... The game I compiled is, after shown several
processes I made, got Abend, though running on Racket Interpreter is fine.
What is the reason of this? Do I have to put something like
2014/1/2 Pierpaolo Bernardi <olopierpa at gmail.com>
> On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 1:05 AM, 亀田馬志 <masashi.kameda at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Does anybody know how to tell Racket's compiler "I wanna see this in
> UTF-8"?
> Are you sure that your DOS windows is using UTF-8?
> AFAIK if you do nothing racket sends UTF-8 to the console.
> Maybe your console is not using UTF-8. If this is the case you may:
> - use the Racket reencode-output-port function to reencode the output
> stream to whatever encoding your console is using, or
> - use the dos CHCP command to switch the console to use UTF-8.
> In this thread of some time ago you can read a previous discussion
> about this problem with some hints:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/racket-users/MGDUNnUVzWU
> P.
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