[racket] Why Typed Racket is faster?

From: WarGrey Gyoudmon Ju (juzhenliang at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Feb 24 12:31:21 EST 2014

Okay, thank you Vincent.
Typed Racket itself is a good Code Guide for untyped programs.

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 10:24 PM, Vincent St-Amour <stamourv at ccs.neu.edu>wrote:

> At Mon, 24 Feb 2014 13:51:30 +0800,
> WarGrey Gyoudmon Ju wrote:
> > Does RVM  know the type information at runtime? Is typed racket just a
> > front-end parser (target to contracts)? In theory is it possible to
> > manually optimize untyped racket to make it as fast as the typed one in
> > most cases?
> Typed Racket operates entirely at macro-expansion time. By the time the
> Racket compiler sees a Typed Racket program, the types are all gone.
> Typed Racket's optimizer simply rewrites operations to use unsafe
> type-specific operations provided by Racket (see racket/unsafe/ops),
> something you could do by hand if you wanted. TR also does some other
> optimizations (scalar replacement, dead code elimination, etc.) which
> you could also do by hand.
> There are some advantages at having TR do it for you, though. First,
> modulo bugs in TR, these "unsafe" operations are actually guaranteed to
> actually be safe by the typechecker. If you manually add unsafe
> operations, you may accidentally introduce segfaults. Second, TR
> typechecks (and optimizes) code after macros are expanded, and so it can
> optimize inside the expansion of macros, which you can't do at the
> source level.
> > To ignore the developing features, do we lose any expressivenesses?
> >
> > (lambda ([μ 0.0] [σ 1.0] #:multiple [p 1])
> >    (define samples (flnormal-sample μ σ p))
> >    (apply  values (flvector->list samples))
> >
> > This example returns non-fix-length multiple values,  it seems impossible
> > to annotate its type.
> That does indeed look like something TR does not support.
> However, functions that return a variable number of values are often
> (IMO) questionable design. I would recommend rewriting your code to
> return a collection instead (and would recommend that even if TR was not
> involved).
> > It took me hours and hours to enumerate all possible ways but still
> > unsolved.
> >
> > (define: random-gaussian : (case-> [[#:mean Flonum] [#:stddev Flonum]
> > [#:multiple False] -> Flonum]
> >                                    [[#:mean Flonum] [#:stddev Flonum]
> > [#:multiple Index] -> (Listof Flonum)])
> >   {lambda {#:mean [μ 0.0] #:stddev [σ 1.0] #:multiple [p #false]}
> >     (define: samples : FlVector (flnormal-sample μ σ (if (false? p) 1
> p)))
> >     (cond [(false? p) (flvector-ref samples 0)]
> >           [else (flvector->list samples)])})
> >
> > Actually, DrRacket complains about (Values Flonum)
> > So 'multiple values' is evil!
> >
> > Keyword argument is also the optional one, it's good for stopping
> (case->)
> > becoming too complexity. But why not (false? p) tells Typed Racket to
> > choose the first function types?
> That's odd. I'll look into it.
> Vincent
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