[racket] how to improve performance by streamlining imports?
I don't think that an importer-in-chief module is likely to help, and I
doubt that smaller versus larger modules will matter much.
Rewriting to avoid a dependency does work, but usually only if you can
avoid some large subsystem (such as the contract system) completely.
I doubt that `include` will help.
If it happens that you're creating a fresh namespace for every
compilation, then you can probably decrease compilation time by using a
single namespace or by attaching modules to the compilation namespace.
My guess is that you're not using separate namespaces, though.
Can you provide a small example that illustrates the problem? Seeing a
concrete example might trigger ideas that wouldn't come to mind
At Thu, 20 Feb 2014 19:40:50 -0800, Matthew Butterick wrote:
> Are there any preferred practices in terms of optimizing one's importing
> technique for the preferences of the Racket compiler? My project involves a
> lot of real-time recompiling of code (= dynamic evaluation of web templates),
> so the costs of the initial imports on each recompile have become the gating
> factor to better performance. Once everything is queued up, the data
> processing itself is pretty quick.
> Sample questions, though maybe they are the wrong ones to ask:
> Rather than having a many-to-many importing relationship among modules, is it
> better to designate one module as the importer-in-chief and have it transmit
> the imports to the other modules, using (provide (all-from-out ...))?
> Should code be organized in smaller modules (more compiling events, but less
> code to compile) or larger modules? My impression based on using it is that
> the greatest expense is firing up the compiler, so more code per module is
> more efficient.
> How terrible is it to rewrite code to avoid a dependency? It's always better
> for performance, but it also defeats the purpose of having modules with common
> definitions. This surfaces also when breaking a module into submodules. The
> submodule divisions may make semantic sense, but if the submodules rely on
> each other, then importing any one submodule drags them all along anyhow.
> Perhaps one is better off just leaving all the code in one module, unless you
> can really create independent submodules.
> Is 'include' a legitimate way to get around this — by writing the code once,
> but allowing it to be compiled within multiple modules?
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