[racket] Quick question on units, composition

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Fri Feb 21 08:55:21 EST 2014

You need to use define-unit to get this to work: 

(define-signature t^ (g))

(define-unit t@
  ; unit 
    (import (prefix config: s^))
    (export t^)
    (define (g x)
      (config:f x))
    (displayln '(hello world)))

(define (f x) (* 2 x)) ;; define the needed dependence 
(define-values/invoke-unit/infer (export t^)  (link t@)) ;; infer f is what we import, run unit, export g
g ;; is available now 

In general, units are values like lambdas that come, in principle, with two operations: 

 (1) linking 
 (2) invoking 

The former satisfies (possibly mutual) dependencies of units without running any code inside of units. The latter runs the code, the last value is returned, like in a lambda. 

Here is another way to run with a prefix: 

(define-signature s^ (f))
(define-signature t^ (g))

(define t@
    (import (prefix config: s^))
    (export t^)
    (define (g x)
      (config:f x))
    (displayln '(hello world))))

(define s@
    (export s^)
    (define (f y)

(define main-2@
    (export t)
     (((s : s^)) s@)
     (((t : t^)) t@ s))))

(invoke-unit main-2@)

On Feb 20, 2014, at 9:33 PM, Paul Meier wrote:

> Hi friends,
> Just a quick question on using Units -- I have one unit that imports a signature and appends a prefix, a la
>     (define-unit my-unit@
>        (import (prefix config: config-signature^))
>        (export my-unit^)
>        ;; implements my-unit^...
>        )
> But when I attempt to invoke this after invoking a unit satisfying the dependency signature (above, `config-signature`), I get errors that it can't locate identifiers from the imported signatures.
> I suspect this is to do with the fact that I'm invoking the dependency at the toplevel using define-values/invoke-unit/infer, per the Racket Guide, but a perusal of the Racket Reference suggests another method of invocation might be more suitable, since define-values is just exporting bindings to the global namespace, and here I'm referring to them by a prefixed form.
> That said, I'm not entirely clear on what what value the `invoke-units` syntax returns, or what side effects invocation of a unit even does from reading the docs (if it isn't defining bindings).
> Any help would be appreciated! Thanks ^_^
> -Paul
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