[racket] have built a symbol, now need the value of the id represented by the symbol
Our local community has a funky tax form not handled by the big tax prep vendors. So I rolled my own with Racket. It outputs LaTeX so I have something to submit all ready.
Well it would, except I have goofed something up. I'm eval'ing a symbol (probably incorrect). The symbol comes not from the top-level, but from a module. I'm forming a symbol 'line1-gsk. I want the value of the identifier represented by that symbol. How do I do that? (If my son were back from school, I'd ask him...)
line1-gsk: undefined;
cannot reference undefined identifier
/Users/gknauth/me/2014/taxes/TY2013/ipt-latex.rkt:50:2: for-loop
/Users/gknauth/me/2014/taxes/TY2013/ipt-latex.rkt:49:0: pr-table-rows
/Users/gknauth/me/2014/taxes/TY2013/ipt-latex.rkt:35:0: pr-table
/Users/gknauth/me/2014/taxes/TY2013/ipt-hdr-gsk.rkt: [running body]
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define line1-gsk (round (+ 111 222 333)))
; I want this value, line1-gsk, to be picked up in pr-table-row below
(require (lib "48.ss" "srfi"))
(require "ipt-data.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (pr-table-row lineno whoisa whoisb) ; whoisa is "gsk" (me), whoisb is my spouse
(let* ((base-str (string-append "line" (number->string lineno) "-"))
(amt-a (eval (string->symbol (string-append base-str whoisa))))
;;;;;; (eval 'line1-gsk) ;;;;;;
(amt-b (eval (string->symbol (string-append base-str whoisb))))
(what (eval (string->symbol (string-append base-str "what"))))
(desc (eval (string->symbol (string-append base-str "desc")))))
(number->string lineno) "&"
what "&"
(number->string lineno) "&"
"\\texttt{" (format "~9,2F" amt-a) "}&"
"\\texttt{" (format "~9,2F" amt-b) "}"
(if desc
(string-append "\\\\&{\\small " desc "}&&&")
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