[racket] Using big-bang with picts
(define (world->image w)
(overlay (pict->bitmap (circle w))
(empty-scene 100 100)))
On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Jens Axel Søgaard <jensaxel at soegaard.net>wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is there a way to use big-bang with picts?
> In other words, how can I convert a pict into something that big-bang
> will display?
> The attempt below fails with this error:
> collects/racket/private/class-internal.rkt:4387:0: send: no such method
> method name: copy
> class name: bitmap%
> #lang racket
> (require pict (only-in 2htdp/universe big-bang on-tick to-draw))
> (define (world->image w)
> (pict->bitmap (circle w)))
> (big-bang 100
> [on-tick add1]
> [to-draw world->image])
> --
> Jens Axel Søgaard
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