[racket] Profiling memory use

From: Daniel Prager (daniel.a.prager at gmail.com)
Date: Thu Feb 13 17:05:39 EST 2014


I was wondering why I couldn't limit memory in a Racket program directly --
for running from the command-line -- as distinct from in Dr Racket, but the
following transcript shed doubts on Dr Racket:

Welcome to DrRacket, version 5.3.6 [3m].
Language: racket; memory limit: *256 MB*.

> (/ (current-memory-use) (expt 10 6))
900 52839/125000

> (collect-garbage)
> (/ (current-memory-use) (expt 10 6))
660 25687/31250

[Replicated in 5.91.]

Does (current-memory-use) include overhead for e.g. the DrRacket runtime?



On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 7:13 PM, Daniel Prager <daniel.a.prager at gmail.com>wrote:

> Is there a good reference to measure and understand Racket memory use?
> I'm doing a run of scribble and memory use is peaking at over 1 Gb.
> I expect that I will be able to make modifications to limit use if I can
> get some informative measurements.
> Thanks
> Dan
> --
> *Daniel Prager*
>  Agile/Lean Coaching, Software Development and Leadership
> Startup: www.youpatch.com
> Twitter: @agilejitsu <https://twitter.com/agilejitsu>
> Blog: agile-jitsu.blogspot.com

*Daniel Prager*
Agile/Lean Coaching, Software Development and Leadership
Startup: www.youpatch.com
Twitter: @agilejitsu <https://twitter.com/agilejitsu>
Blog: agile-jitsu.blogspot.com
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