[racket] Y combinator
On Feb 10, 2014, at 4:52 PM, Matthew Johnson wrote:
> Why does (lambda (x) (e x)) make it evaluate once and stop? I mean how come when the evaluator gets to the call it doesn't get stuck in a loop?
This explicit function gets "copied" over and over again during function calls (beta-value reductions) during an evaluation. When it is called the 'e' inside contains (references to) the original function so there is no danger that the infinite loop unfolds -- because it is waiting for the next explicit call.
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> but i really don't see why one would ever bother to do so. What are the benefits? the cost (hard to read / write / understand) seems high.
CPS is a programming technique that occasionally comes up in program designs:
-- if you must implement a recursive algorithm in a language w/o recursion, cps has eliminated it -- systematically
[this situation used to be common when I started teaching; now it's rare]
-- if you need to suspend a computation temporarily, the 'k' is what you don't call but stick into a known place from where to resume
[web programs often have to obey this discipline: suspend k, hand control to user to fill out some form, resume k]
cps provides this capability -- systematically
-- if you need to write sophisticated interleaving of routines in a language that doesn't provide it, cps supports it -- systematically
The 'systematically' says that a programmer can blindly use the transformation and then modify it at some places to get things right.
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The transformation is also used inside of compilers as Yuhao mentions.
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