[racket] Multiple ellipses after judgment form premises?
Is there a reason that judgments in Redex don't allow multiple ellipses
after a premise? I have a case where I have a list of lists of items, and I
want to check that a certain property holds on each item. Here's a very
simplified example:
(define-language L)
(define-judgment-form L
#:mode (is-number I)
#:contract (is-number any)
[(side-condition ,(number? (term any)))
(is-number any)])
(define-judgment-form L
#:mode (nested-number-list I)
#:contract (nested-number-list any)
[(where ((any_item ...) ...) any_list)
(is-number any_item) ... ...
(nested-number-list any_list)])
(judgment-holds (nested-number-list ((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9))))
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