[racket] web server stopped responding to TCP connections

From: George Neuner (gneuner2 at comcast.net)
Date: Mon Dec 29 20:25:51 EST 2014

Hi Tony,

On 12/29/2014 6:21 PM, Tony Garnock-Jones wrote:
> On 12/29/2014 04:09 PM, George Neuner wrote:
> > Over the weekend my webserver application suddenly stopped responding to
> > TCP connections.  It was following a large spate of broken connections
> > caused by debugging an issue on the browser side.
> Do you have a reliable way of provoking the fault? I don't.
Nope. Sorry.

> Are you using Racket's SSL support, or is it http-only?

It's HTTP only.  My application hides behind Apache on the same host so 
it doesn't need SSL.

> Are you on Linux, a different Unixalike, or Windows?

Yes.  8-)

I do most of my development on Windows 7 but deploy on Linux (Ubuntu), 
both using 64-bit Racket 6.0.1.   At the time this happened I was 
running my development version on Windows.


Posted on the users mailing list.