[racket] Cannot reproduce example in "Getting Started with Documentation"
I can't to reproduce the Scribble example in section 4.1.4 of "Getting
Started with Documentation". The procedure 'my-helper' is undefined in
the html output:
my-helper: undefined;
cannot reference undefined identifier
my-helper: undefined;
cannot reference undefined identifier ..."
I put 'manual.scrbl', 'helper.rkt' in a local collection directory
'~/.racket/6.1.1/collects/my-lib/' and ran
'raco setup -l my-lib' to produce index.html in my-lib/doc/manual.
I've attached the two files. Can anyone please help?
Cheers - Stuart
-------------- next part --------------
#lang scribble/manual
@(require scribble/eval
(for-label racket
@title{My Library}
@defproc[(my-helper [lst list?])
(not/c (one-of/c 'cow)))]{
Replaces each @racket['cow] in @racket[lst] with
(my-helper '())
(my-helper '(cows such remarkable cows))
-------------- next part --------------
#lang racket
(provide my-helper)
(define (my-helper lst)
(cons "The answer is not:" lst))