[racket] raco command extension changed in 6.1?

From: Neil Van Dyke (neil at neilvandyke.org)
Date: Wed Dec 17 21:52:41 EST 2014

Did how `raco` commands are added change in Racket 6.1?

When the following two commands are run under Racket 6.0 or 6.0.1, they 
show a `raco mcfly` command has been added.  But when run under 6.1 or 
6.1.1, the `raco mcfly` command has not been added.

racket -e '(require (planet neil/mcfly-tools))'
raco help

I just removed `~/.racket/` and tested this under the four Racket versions.

I'm not looking for someone to debug this; I'm just wondering if anyone 
knows offhand whether anything changed.

Neil V.

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