[racket] pdf-dc%: Generating a pdf with image embedded in jpeg format?
A few quick experiments suggest that Racket/Cairo can/does embed a png
representation within the pdf, but saves a bitmap with jpeg representation
by expanding out to a more naive format. E.g.
- Racket -> png: 2738 bytes
- Racket -> pdf: 2995 bytes
- png -> ImageMagick -> jpeg: 2024 bytes
- jpeg -> Racket -> pdf: 8854 bytes!! ;-(
* * *
A bit of Googling gives some confirmation (and hope):
>From 2007 (
> So, there's this bug against eog (GNOME image viewer) [1] about images
> printed to PDF are huge. The reason of course is that cairo embeds images
> as PNG. We need to find a solution to this.
The October 2014 release of Cairo 1.14.0 describes the following feature:
> Support JBIG2 mime data in PDF. This allows embedding of more compressed
> JPEG formats within PDF, rather than including the full uncompressed image.
> See: http://cairographics.org/news/cairo-1.14.0/
* * *
I can't find anything in the online docs about the Cairo API that
explicitly reference JPEG or JBIG2.
Is anyone running Cairo 1.14.0 (or later), and does it "just work" in this
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