[racket] [racket-bug] all/14865: Instances of button% don't not respond to (stretchable-height #t) and [min-height 300].
Antony Blakey wrote on 12/03/2014 10:09 PM:
> I'm responsible for the Native L&F for VisualWorks Smalltalk (which is entirely synthetic), and it's a big deal for many of our customers. Even on Windows.
Very glad to see a VisualWorks person here!
(Not everyone knows, but VisualWorks began pushing the envelope of
emulating native GUI look&feel starting circa 1990. IIRC, you could be
on your Sun workstation, and switch your VW image between different L&Fs
quickly -- a list something like Open Look, Motif, MS Windows, MacOS,
and the classic Smalltalk-80. VW was already doing this back when even
big-name technical workstation apps didn't even try, and just used a
look&feel specific to the app on every platform -- AutoCAD, Interleaf,
sorta FrameMaker, etc. Of course, as Antony says, native L&F is harder
nowadays, especially since users have become very sensitive to the nuances.)
Neil V.