[racket] Can impersonator be a cache?

From: Alexander D. Knauth (alexander at knauth.org)
Date: Fri Aug 15 21:26:55 EDT 2014

If what you want is lazy struct, would something like this work?

#lang racket/base

(require racket/splicing
         (for-syntax racket/base

(module+ test
  (require rackunit)
  (lazy-struct object (a b c))
  (define obj (object #:loader (λ (field)
                                 (printf "calculating ~a\n" field)
  (let ([out (open-output-string)])
    (parameterize ([current-output-port out])
      (check-equal? (get-output-string out) "")
      (check-equal? (object-a obj) 'a)
      (check-equal? (get-output-string out) "calculating a\n")
      (check-equal? (object-a obj) 'a)
      (check-equal? (get-output-string out) "calculating a\n")
      (check-match obj (object 'a 'b 'c))
      (check-equal? (get-output-string out) "calculating a\ncalculating b\ncalculating c\n")
      (close-output-port out)

(define-syntax lazy-struct
  (lambda (stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(lazy-struct name:id (field:id ...) . options)
       #:with (~var struct:name) (format-id #'name "struct:~a" #'name #:source #'name)
       #:with name? (format-id #'name "~a?" #'name #:source #'name)
       #:with (name-field ...) (for/list ([field-id (in-list (syntax->list #'(field ...)))])
                                 (format-id #'name "~a-~a" #'name field-id #:source #'name))
       #:with (old-name-field ...) (generate-temporaries #'(name-field ...))
       #'(splicing-local [(splicing-local [(struct name (field ...) . options)]
                            (define old-name name)
                            (define old-struct:name struct:name)
                            (define old-name? name?)
                            (define old-name-field name-field)
                            (define (make-name #:loader loader)
                              (old-name (delay (loader 'field)) ...)))]
           (define name? old-name?)
           (define struct:name old-struct:name)
           (define (name-field name)
             (force (old-name-field name)))
           (define-syntax name
             (make-struct-desc #:descriptor #'struct:name
                               #:constructor #'make-name
                               #:predicate #'name?
                               #:accessors (reverse (list #'name-field ...))
                               #:mutators (list (begin 'name-field #f) ...)
                               #:super #t)))])))

  (define (make-struct-desc #:descriptor [descriptor-id #f]
                            #:constructor constructor-id
                            #:predicate [predicate-id #f]
                            #:accessors [accessors '(#f)]
                            #:mutators [mutators (map (λ (x) #f) accessors)]
                            #:super [super #f])
    (with-syntax ([constructor constructor-id])
       (lambda (stx)
         (syntax-parse stx
           [(name . stuff)
            (quasisyntax/loc stx
              (#,(syntax/loc #'name constructor) . stuff))]
           [name (syntax/loc stx constructor)]))
       (list descriptor-id constructor-id predicate-id accessors mutators super))))
  (struct proc+struct-info (proc struct-info) #:transparent
    #:property prop:procedure (struct-field-index proc)
    #:property prop:struct-info (λ (this) (proc+struct-info-struct-info this)))

On Aug 15, 2014, at 2:16 PM, Roman Klochkov <kalimehtar at mail.ru> wrote:

> I want to have lazy-load struct. In C++ it is called proxy reference (when dereferencing return new (or cached) object loaded on demand)
> Ideally, it would be like
> (lazy-struct obj (a b c) #:loader load-data)
> then
> (define my-obj (make-ref obj "unique-id"))
> (displayln (obj-a my-obj)) ;; here content of my-obj should be loaded via load-data.
> And match pattern would also work.
> Now I made API with (get-field my-obj 'a), but is not Racketish.
> Fri, 15 Aug 2014 08:45:59 -0400 от "Alexander D. Knauth" <alexander at knauth.org>:
> Why not just define a new version of object-a that does that?
> You probably have a good reason, but what is it? 
> Is it to change the result of struct->vector, allow (object a b c) as a match pattern to match ref, or what? 
> On Aug 15, 2014, at 6:42 AM, Roman Klochkov <kalimehtar at mail.ru> wrote:
> > I have
> > (struct object (a b c))
> > (struct reference (id data))
> > 
> > Let `ref' -- an instance of `reference'.
> > 
> > I want, that (object-a ref) call my own (ref-get object-a ref)
> > 
> > (define (ref-get accessor ref)
> > (unless (weak-box-value (ref-data ref))
> > (set-ref-data! ref (make-weak-box (load-data (ref-id ref)))))
> > (accessor (weak-box-value (ref-data ref))))
> > 
> > Is it possible? 
> > I found `impersonate-struct', but it is not struct itself (no `id' field). 
> > I can add `prop:impersonator-of',. but how to redirect accessors?
> > 
> > -- 
> > Roman Klochkov
> > ____________________
> > Racket Users list:
> > http://lists.racket-lang.org/users
> -- 
> Roman Klochkov

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