[racket] syntax-parse question

From: Alexander D. Knauth (alexander at knauth.org)
Date: Thu Aug 7 16:21:45 EDT 2014

On Aug 7, 2014, at 3:43 PM, Alexander D. Knauth <alexander at knauth.org> wrote:

> On Aug 7, 2014, at 1:28 PM, Kevin Forchione <lysseus at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Aug 7, 2014, at 9:50 AM, Kevin Forchione <lysseus at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Aug 7, 2014, at 8:55 AM, Alexander D. Knauth <alexander at knauth.org> wrote:
>>>>> Do you want something like this then:
>>>>> (syntax-parse stx
>>>>>   [(_ (~or ((((e ...) ...) ...) ...)
>>>>>            (((d ...) ...) ...)
>>>>>            ((c ...) ...)
>>>>>            (b ...)
>>>>>            a)
>>>>>       . . .)
>>>>>    #’(list (list a ... (list b ... (list c ... (list d ... (list e ...) ...) ...) ...) ...) ...)])
>>>> Sorry I meant this:
>>>> (syntax-parse #'(x (1 2 3 4) (5 (6 7) 8))
>>>>   [(_ (~or ((~or ((~or ((~or (e ...) d) ...) c) ...) b) ...) a) ...)
>>>>    #'(list (list a ... (list b ... (list c ... (list d ... (list e ...) ...) ...) ...) ...))])
>>>>> Except going infinitely?  For that I think you would need a recursive helper function.  
>>>>> Or do you want to just replace all instances of (a ...) with (list a ...) ?:
>>>>> (define-syntax-class thing
>>>>>   #:attributes (norm)
>>>>>   [pattern (a:thing ...)
>>>>>            #:with norm (list a.norm ...)]
>>>>>   [pattern a
>>>>>            #:with norm a])
>>>>> Or what?
>>> Sorry, I should probably clarify the problem I’m attempting to solve. I’ve got an application that creates a composite image using classes of objects that draw themselves. Essentially the macro Compose-A 
>>>     (compose-A (<img  | (img …)> …) …)
>>> would produce something like:
>>>     {compose-A (compose-B <img | (compose-C img …)> …) …)
>>> Compose-A can have an arbitrary number of compose-B clauses. 
>>> compose-B clauses can have an arbitrarily number of elements in any order consisting of ing or clause-C. 
>>> The clause-C consist of an arbitrary number of img. 
>>> I’ve been wondering about having to go with a recursive macro. Is there any code in the current system that can be modeled from?
>>> -Kevin
>> Actually, now that I think about it, the pattern can be generalized:
>> (compose-macro [func …) <atom ! (<atom  | (atom …)> …)>  …)
>> producing something like:
>> {func0 <atom | (func1 <atom | (func2 atom …)> …)> …), etc.
>> Essentially each clause consisting of an image or a sub-list, with succeeding levels of sub-list applying a new compose function to its arguments. I have to apologize, I don’t think I’ve captured the idea correctly with my notation. 
>> —Kevin
> Ok then would this work for what you want?
> (define-syntax-class (thing fs)
>   #:attributes (norm)
>   [pattern x #:when (empty? fs)
>            #:with norm #'x]
>   [pattern (x ...)
>            #:declare x (thing (rest fs))
>            #:with f (first fs)
>            #:with norm #'(f x.norm ...)]
>   [pattern x #:with norm #'x])
> (syntax-parse #'(x [f1 f2 f3] (1 2 3 4) (5 (6 7) 8))
>   [(_ [f ...] . x)
>    #:declare x (thing (syntax->list #'(f ...)))
>    #'x.norm])
> ; #<syntax (f1 (f2 1 2 3 4) (f2 5 (f3 6 7) 8))>

By the way would this function version be helpful at all?

(define (apply* fs lst*)
  (cond [(empty? fs) lst*]
        [(not (list? lst*)) lst*]
         (define f (first fs))
         (define rst (rest fs))
         (apply f
                (for/list ([lst (in-list lst*)])
                  (apply* rst lst)))]))

(apply* (list list vector hash)
        '((1 2 3 4) (5 (6 7) 8)))
; '(#(1 2 3 4) #(5 #hash((6 . 7)) 8))

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