[racket] Use of map and eval to evaluate symbol in namespace

From: Alexander D. Knauth (alexander at knauth.org)
Date: Sun Aug 3 20:38:00 EDT 2014

On Aug 3, 2014, at 7:58 PM, Henry Lenzi <henry.lenzi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Alexander's idea is interesting, but it onlt works if the
> prescription file is not numbered (which is actually more natural),
> such as if it were:
> hctz25 30 pl 1xd
> simva20 30 pl 1xn
>> (define in2 (open-input-file "Recipe3.txt"))
>> (port->list (compose1 eval read) in2)
> '("Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg"
>  30
>  "cps"
>  "Take 1 pill P.O. 1x/day"
>  "Simvastatin 20mg"
>  30
>  "cps"
>  "Take 1 pill P.O. 1x at night")
> The issue would then be about extracting and joining 4 or 5 (if it has
> an INST instruction) items from that list.
> string-join, however, will bork at numbers. So it's kind of the same
> issue as previously than with |30|.

Then just do this: (string-join (map ~a (port->list (compose1 eval read) in2)) instead.  

> in what regards the presence of INSTs, maybe this could be approached
> by first scanning the list for an INST instruction using REGEXPs, but
> I don't know how to do that yet.
> Thanks,
> Henry Lenzi
> On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 5:40 PM, Alexander D. Knauth
> <alexander at knauth.org> wrote:
>> On Aug 3, 2014, at 4:29 PM, Alexander D. Knauth <alexander at knauth.org> wrote:
>>> On Aug 3, 2014, at 3:29 PM, Henry Lenzi <henry.lenzi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> ; Hello all --
>>>> ; So here's how I solve all those little problems regarding symbols
>>>> and evaluation of medication definitions.
>>>> ; Would you please bear with me? I apologize for the length.
>>>> ; This is the approach I've taken. I've chosen no to use any macrology
>>>> or parser/lexer technique because I don't grok them and they
>>>> ; don't really seem necessary, for reasons explained in the code comments.
>>>> ; I have not decided to hash tables, for the following reason: there's
>>>> a part of the code (the drug definitions, the instructions), that
>>>> ; should be easy enough for non-programmers to edit. If they are kept
>>>> very simple, it's possible, because the users have to edit those
>>>> ; files. So, even though it is source code, it's not as intimidating
>>>> as editing source code if hash tables.
>>>> ; Another aspect is that I hope modules provided some sort of safety
>>>> in terms of syntax checking. That is to say, if you used make a
>>>> ; typo in the medication part of the DSL, the system will (hopefully)
>>>> bork because no such module exists. I believe this also creates
>>>> ; an opportunity for "syntax validation" if a proper input phase is
>>>> designed. But Lisp/Scheme being a dynamic language, the run-time
>>>> ; will bork immediately once it sees funny things. This is a way to
>>>> guarantee the DSL is correct, which we get for free by using Racket.
>>>> ; A fourth aspect is that, if each drug is kept a different module
>>>> (which I haven't done here, BTW), then we can make for easier
>>>> ; internationalization, by keeping modules by languages, e.g.,
>>>> hctz25-en, hctz25-pt_br. I believe Dan has an interest in this project
>>>> too,
>>>> ; so  it's best to design with that in mind.
>>>> ; Final comment regards "database". We get "database" for free, by
>>>> registering prescriptions with patient register numbers. The OS
>>>> ; takes care of pretty musch anything else. And there's no need for
>>>> atomicity and concurrency. Like I said, this is stupid code.
>>>> ;
>>>> ;
>>>> #lang racket
>>>> ; code-review-for-racketeers-2014-08-03-a.rkt
>>>> ;
>>>> ; For this exercise, suppose a Recipe.txt file. Let´s suppose the idea
>>>> is that the physician
>>>> ; has two options: 1) he or she opens Notepad and writes the
>>>> prescription file (Recipe.text);
>>>> ; 2) or, the software asks for inputs and writes the file (this will
>>>> not be covered in this
>>>> ; exercise). The written prescription in the shorthand DSL would look
>>>> like below, with the
>>>> ; exception of a first field with patient ID data not included (to be
>>>> done later).
>>>> ; The prescription has a rigid syntax would look like this (line
>>>> breaks included):
>>>> ; 1-
>>>> ; hctz25 30 pl 1xd
>>>> ;
>>>> ; 2-
>>>> ; simva20 30 pl 1xn
>>>> ; Needed for EVAL, used later on
>>>> (define-namespace-anchor a)
>>>> ; These definitions should be in a different module.
>>>> ; This way we get syntax checking for free.
>>>> ; MED - medication. Includes dosage.
>>>> (define hctz25 "Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg")
>>>> (define simva20 "Simvastatin 20mg")
>>>> ; FORM - whether the patient will take home pills, a tube, a flask, capsules
>>>> (define pl "pills")
>>>> ; POS - posology, whether the patient will take 1 pill 3x a day, or 2
>>>> pills 2x a day, etc.
>>>> (define 1xd "Take 1 pill P.O. 1x/day")
>>>> (define 1xn "Take 1 pill P.O. 1x at night")
>>>> ; INSTs - special instructions. INST is just a prefix INST+MED without
>>>> the dosage.
>>>> (define INSTOMZ "half an hour before breakfast, with a glass of water")
>>>> ; Formatters - simple for now, but should be a function of the space available.
>>>> (define  line "-----------")
>>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>>> ; The main part of a prescription DSL is pretty rigid in syntax, being
>>>> composed of blocks of theses parts:
>>>> ; Please note that, in this DSL, the MED part includes the drug dosage
>>>> (e.g., HCTZ25, where
>>>> ; the HCTZ designates the drug, and the 25 the dosage).
>>>> ; An example would be:
>>>> ; HCTZ25 30 PL 1XD
>>>> ; meaning: Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg -------------- 30 pills
>>>> ;                Take 1 pill P.O. 1X day
>>>> ; INST are special instructions. They basically are more detailed
>>>> explanation to the patient about
>>>> ; how to use the medication properly. Not always there's a INST in the
>>>> prescription DSL.
>>>> ; INSTs are, in fact, a PREFIX for the MED without the dose. For
>>>> example, OMZ20 is Omeprazol 20mg.
>>>> ; The instruction for OMZ would be INSTOMZ ("half an hour before
>>>> breakfast, with a glass of water").
>>>> ; In this case, the DSL line would be:
>>>> ; OMZ20 30 PL 1XD INSTOMZ
>>>> ; meaning: Omeprazol 20mg ------------------- 30 pills
>>>> ;               Take 1 pill P.O. 1X day
>>>> ;               half an hour before breakfast, with
>>>> ;               a glass of water
>>>> ; Questions regarding proper formatting of INST are not addressed at
>>>> this moment.
>>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>>> ; Now follows a description of some problems I encountered and the
>>>> choices made in solving them:
>>>> ; (define in (open-input-file "Recipe.txt"))
>>>> ; If you just (string-split (read-line in)) you'll get:
>>>> ; => '("hctz25" "30" "cp" "1xd")
>>>> ; and that will not evaluate the symbols to their string descritptions.
>>>> ; Because of that, you need to do a:
>>>> ; > (map string->symbol (string-split (read-line in)))
>>>> ; which will evaluate to
>>>> ; => '(hctz25 |30| cp 1xd)
>>>> ; This would be ideal to MAP EVAL to, but the problem is the |30|
>>> What you want here is something like this:
>>> ;; Instead of (map string->symbol (string-split (read-line in)))
>>> (for/list ([thing (in-port read in)]) thing)
>> Actually come to think of it you can do this:
>> (sequence->list in)
>> Or this:
>> (port->list read in)
>>> ;; and then you can do (map eval …) to that if you want.
>>> ;; Or you could do both at once like this:
>>> (for/list ([thing (in-port read in)])
>>> (eval thing namespace))
>> Or for that:
>> (port->list (compose1 eval read) in)
>>>> ; So, the idea is SET!ing that list to a name we can call easily, i.e.,
>>>> ; med-line-holder, because then we can extract the pieces (since we
>>>> can't do list
>>>> ; surgery easily, such a "replace the the element at position 1 with
>>>> so-and-so element”).
>> look at list-set from unstable/list
>>>> ; Since the prescription syntax is pretty rigid, we can get away with this
>>>> ; simple approach.
>>>> (define med-line-holder '()) ; initial value of med-line-holder is an empty list
>>>> (define med-name-holder '())
>>>> (define med-quant-holder '())
>>>> (define med-form-holder '())
>>>> (define med-pos-holder '())
>>>> (define med-inst-holder '()) ; remember, not always INSTructions
>>>> happen in a DSL prescription .
>>>> (define in (open-input-file "Recipe.txt"))
>>>> (port-count-lines! in)
>>>> (define (clpr) (close-input-port in))
>>>> ; a med-line-holder is a list that has MED QUANT FORM POS (and sometimes INST)
>>>> ; This is obtained from a plain text file. When it is read, it becomes something
>>>> ; like this: '(hctz25 |30| cp 1xd)
>>>> (define (set-med-line-holder)
>>>> (set! med-line-holder (map string->symbol (string-split (read-line in)))))
>>>> (define (set-med-name-holder)
>>>> ; (set! med-name-holder (eval (car med-line-holder))) ;; in the REPL
>>>> (set! med-name-holder (eval (car med-line-holder)
>>>> (namespace-anchor->namespace a))))
>>>> (define (set-med-quant-holder) ; the CADR of the med-line-holder
>>>> ; (set! med-quant-holder (eval (symbol->string (cadr med-line-holder))))
>>>> (set! med-quant-holder (eval (symbol->string (cadr med-line-holder))
>>>> (namespace-anchor->namespace a))))
>>>> (define (set-med-form-holder) ; the CADDR of the med-line-holder -
>>>> gets the FORM, e.g., pills, etc.
>>>> ; (set! med-form-holder (eval (symbol->string (caddr med-line-holder))))
>>>> (set! med-form-holder (eval (caddr med-line-holder)
>>>> (namespace-anchor->namespace a))))
>>>> (define (set-med-pos-holder) ; the CADDDR of the med-line-holder -
>>>> gets the POS, e.g., 1xd
>>>>  ; (set! med-pos-holder (eval (symbol->string (cadddr med-line-holder))))
>>>> (set! med-pos-holder (eval (cadddr med-line-holder)
>>>> (namespace-anchor->namespace a))))
>>>> (define (set-med-inst-holder) ; the LAST of the med-line-holder - gets the INST
>>>>  ; (set! med-pos-holder (eval (symbol->string (last med-line-holder))))
>>>> (set! med-pos-holder (eval (last med-line-holder)
>>>> (namespace-anchor->namespace a))))
>>>> ; One problem here regards the optional INST instructions.
>>>> ; How to create a SETter function that will only SET! med-inst-holder
>>>> ; if there's an INST instruction? Note that INST is a prefix. A real
>>>> instruction is, e.g.,
>>>> ; INSTOMZ (for OMZ20).
>>>> (define (look-for-line)
>>>> (if (regexp-match #px"\\d\\-" (read-line in))
>>>>    (begin
>>>>      (set-med-line-holder)
>>>>      (set-med-name-holder)
>>>>      (set-med-quant-holder)
>>>>      (set-med-form-holder)
>>>>      (set-med-pos-holder))
>>>>    'NO-LINE))
>>>> (define (display-stuff)
>>>> (newline)
>>>> (display med-line-holder) (newline)
>>>> (display med-name-holder) (newline)
>>>> (display med-quant-holder) (newline)
>>>> (display med-form-holder) (newline)
>>>> (display med-pos-holder) (newline))
>>>> ; The problem remains of what to do with the eventual INST.
>>>> ; Successive calls to (look-for-line) would read the next lines.
>>>> ; Output would alternate between a DSL line, or a NO-LINE (from look-for-line,
>>>> ; if it hits a line with no text in Recipe.txt
>>>> (look-for-line)
>>>> ;(display-stuff)
>>>> (define (output-a-line)
>>>> (string-join (list med-name-holder line med-quant-holder med-form-holder "\n"
>>>>                           med-pos-holder "\n")))
>>>> (define (format-a-line)
>>>> (display (output-a-line)))
>>>> ;(define (output-a-line)
>>>> ; (display (string-join (list med-name-holder line med-quant-holder
>>>> med-form-holder "\n"
>>>> ;                             med-pos-holder "\n"))))
>>>> (newline)
>>>> ;(output-a-line)
>>>> (format-a-line)
>>>> ; 1) How do we find out how many lines to (look-for-line)?
>>>> ;    This is one of the resons I specified the "1-", "2-" in the Recipe.txt. Not
>>>> ;    only it makes for easy visual understanding, but it may be used
>>>> to provide a hint
>>>> ;    for this problem.
>>>> ;    Possible approaches:
>>>> ;    - Maybe this can be solved with REGEXPS? This information could
>>>> provide a sentinel
>>>> ;      variable for an iterator function?
>>>> ;    - Is there some sort if line counting function? (Note that I have set
>>>> ;      (port-count-lines! in) somewhere above in the code.
>>>> ; 2) How do we know we've reached the end of the file?
>>>> ; 3) How to deal with the not-always-present INST?
>>>> ;    - How do we check for INSTs? With a REGEXP?
>>>> ;    - Choosing between INSTs with REGEXPS is not necessary, as they
>>>> will be loaded in a module,
>>>> ;      so the system will "know" which one to choose.
>>>> ; 4) Another idea would be "slurp" the whole of the prescription, and
>>>> then deal with evaluation. How?
>>>> ; (define f1
>>>> ;    (file->string
>>>> ;   "C:\\Path\\to\\sources\\Recipe.txt"))
>>>> ;> (string-normalize-spaces f1)
>>>> ;"1- hctz25 30 pl 1xd 2- simva20 30 pl 1xn"
>>>> ;
>>>> ; That's all for now, folks!
>>>> ; Many thanks for all the help so far, Racketeers!
>>>> ; Cheers,
>>>> ; Henry Lenzi
>>>> On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 12:44 AM, Henry Lenzi <henry.lenzi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello everyone -
>>>>> First of all, a big Thank You to all of you and for taking the time for
>>>>> responding.
>>>>> I'll have to set aside sometime during this weekend to see if I can
>>>>> understand the ideas you've been so kind to offer.
>>>>> However, I should confess that I've made some progress with way simpler
>>>>> stuff which I hope to post later on.  Like I've said, this is stupid
>>>>> software. Anyways, none of this is final.
>>>>> It really just used a plain text solution, since the format if a recipe is
>>>>> so rigid. The question of expanding the symbols from files to run-time was
>>>>> easier than I thought.
>>>>> The idea of using modules might have the nice collateral effect if some sort
>>>>> of primitive type (or syntax) checking for free. I like the idea someone
>>>>> offered of using modules for medication definitions. Actually, one module
>>>>> per definition makes it very easy for future users to add new medications.
>>>>> The ease of syntax is important because it allows for the customization by
>>>>> non-sophisticated users (physicians, nurses).
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Henry Lenzi.
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