[racket] tool warnings from raco

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Mon Apr 28 20:19:40 EDT 2014

I'm not sure where the reference is, but I guess that if you delete
~/Library/Racket/planet and then re-run "make" from the top-level,
then you should be in good shape.


On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 5:11 PM, Matthew Butterick <mb at mbtype.com> wrote:
>> How are you installing Racket? From a git build or a snapshot or something else?
> Two machines, both using a git build from a fork of plt/racket, updated regularly.
> Turns out that deleting `info-cache.rktd` is a bad idea, because that causes most of the commands to disappear from raco.
> So I rebuilt both installations from source.
> After deleting all the vestigial PLaneT development links (with `raco planet unlink`) and uninstalling all my packages, I'm getting the same error on both machines:
>> raco setup: 0 rendering: <pkgs>/racket-index/scribblings/main/user/start.scrbl
>> [... traceback ...]
>> raco setup: docs failure: require: PLaneT could not find the package "mb/pollen:1": Server had no matching package: No package matched the specified criteria
> The start.scrbl file that threw the error calls (make-start-page). When I print the docs this function is looking for, one of them is:
>> (library 0  /path/to/git/pollen/scribblings/pollen.scrbl (planet scribblings/pollen.scrbl (mb pollen.plt 1 (= 0))))
> This is the source of the error, because mb pollen.plt has been unlinked, and that's why "No package matched the specified criteria."
> But what I don't understand is why Racket has retained this vestigial reference to the PLaneT module, and how I get rid of it.
> Thanks for any theories.
> On Apr 27, 2014, at 6:06 PM, Robby Findler <robby at eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
>> How are you installing Racket? From a git build or a snapshot or something else?
>> Robby
>> On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 7:58 PM, Matthew Butterick <mb at mbtype.com> wrote:
>>> Hm, that is curious.
>>> Whenever I do `raco planet [anything]` I get `Unrecognized command: planet`.
>>> Also, when I do `raco help` I don't get `planet` as an option:
>>> All available commands:
>>>  link     manage library-collection directories
>>>  pkg      manage packages
>>>  pollen   issue Pollen command
>>>  setup    install and build libraries and documentation
>>> BTW could it be a problem that `pollen` is both the name of a package and a
>>> raco command installed by that package?
>>> On Apr 27, 2014, at 5:48 PM, Robby Findler <robby at eecs.northwestern.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>> The raco planet commands are still there and there are no plans to
>>> eliminate them.
>>> Can you say what errors you're getting?
>>> Robby
>>> On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 7:40 PM, Matthew Butterick <mb at mbtype.com> wrote:
>>> Do you have any links that were installed via `raco link` instead of
>>> `raco pkg`, such as a link from developing "pollen" before the package
>>> system?
>>> Yes, Pollen was originally a PLaneT module, but IIRC I used `raco planet
>>> link` to install it (consistent with the instructions here [1])
>>> Here's how I can reproducibly shift between states:
>>> 1) Warning appears ("tool "pollen" registered twice ...")
>>> 2) Delete `info-cache.rktd`. Warning disappears.
>>> 3) Do `raco pkg remove pollen`.
>>> 4) Go to pollen directory and do `raco pkg install`.
>>> 5) Warning reappears.
>>> So maybe it's a simple matter of erasing the old PLaneT references (?) but
>>> I'm not sure where those lurk, and all the `raco planet ...` commands
>>> referenced in the docs [2] are apparently long gone.
>>> [1] http://hashcollision.org/brainfudge/
>>> [2]
>>> http://docs.racket-lang.org/planet/index.htmlhttp://docs.racket-lang.org/planet/index.html
>>> At Sun, 27 Apr 2014 15:12:44 -0700, Matthew Butterick wrote:
>>> When I invoke raco from the command line, it throws the warning:
>>> warning: tool "pollen" registered twice: "pollen" and
>>> #<path:/path/to/pollen>
>>> This error also appeared on racket-dev in Jul 2013. At that time Matthew
>>> Flatt
>>> said:
>>> I changed `raco setup' to use relative paths for the info-domain cache,
>>> but not to prune away the old absolute paths.
>>> For now, you can delete "racket/lib/info-cache.rktd", and I'll work on
>>> a repair to `raco setup'.
>>> But though I've tried deleting info-cache.rktd, the warning eventually
>>> returns.
>>> The problem doesn't surface with other packages. It doesn't seem to affect
>>> how
>>> anything works.
>>> It also might be a bug in this particular package, though I'm not clear how
>>> a
>>> package can mess with raco's registration scheme.
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