[racket] identifier used out of context error when making my own object-copy
I’m making my own object-copy macro (just like struct-copy, but for objects), and I am getting this weird error:
. %: identifier used out of context in: %
What am I doing wrong? And is there another way to do it that doesn’t involve an eval-syntax (I suspect that’s part of the problem)?
And also, is there another version of field-names that takes a class instead of an object, because I think that will create another problem when I get to the last test (with not-really-chum).
Here’s the code:
#lang racket/base (require (for-syntax racket/base))
(provide object-copy)
(require racket/class
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(define-syntax object-copy
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(object-copy %-expr obj-expr
[field-id:id expr:expr]
#:declare %-expr (expr/c #'class? #:name "class")
#:declare obj-expr (expr/c #'(is-a?/c %-expr) #:name "object")
(with-syntax ([ooo '...])
#'(let* ([% %-expr.c]
[obj obj-expr.c]
[all-field-syms (field-names obj)]
[remaining-field-syms (remove* '(field-id ...) all-field-syms)])
(with-syntax ([(remaining-field-id ooo) remaining-field-syms])
#'(new %
[field-id expr] ...
[remaining-field-id (get-field remaining-field-id obj)] ooo
(module+ test
(define fish%
(class object% (init-field color weight)
(super-new) (inspect #f)))
(define marlin (new fish% [color 'orange-and-white] [weight 11]))
(define dory (object-copy fish% marlin
[color 'blue]))
(check-equal? dory (new fish% [color 'blue] [weight 11]))
(define shark%
(class fish% (init-field weeks-since-eating-fish)
(super-new) (inspect #f)))
(define bruce (new shark% [color 'grey] [weight 110] [weeks-since-eating-fish 3]))
(define chum (object-copy shark% bruce
[weight 90]
[weeks-since-eating-fish 0]))
(check-equal? chum (new shark% [color 'grey] [weight 90] [weeks-since-eating-fish 0]))
(define not-really-chum
(object-copy fish% bruce
[weight 90]))
(check-equal? not-really-chum (new fish% [color 'grey] [weight 90]))
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