[racket] Scribble: Getting BSL error messages

From: Alexander D. Knauth (alexander at knauth.org)
Date: Tue Apr 15 06:45:32 EDT 2014

I feel like make-evaluator should do something like this when you call (make-evaluator ‘(special beginner)).  Is there a reason that it doesn’t?  

On Apr 14, 2014, at 5:43 PM, Matthias Felleisen <matthias at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:

> On Apr 14, 2014, at 1:04 PM, Klaus Ostermann <klaus612 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm using Scribble to write lecture notes on the "Beginning Student
>> Language".
>> To this end, I'm using
>> @(require (for-label lang/htdp-beginner))
>> to get the bindings for the functions defined in BSL.
>> However, if I want to illustrate an error, I get the wrong error message.
>> For instance,
>> @ex[(number->string "asdf")]
>> gives the ouput:
>>> (number->string "asdf")
>> number->string: contract violation
>> expected: number?
>> given: "asdf"
>> rather than the expected:
>>> (number->string "asdf")
>> number->string: expects a number, given "asdf"
>> What do I need to do to get the BSL error messages?
> ;; Here is the code from the shared library in HtDP/2e: 
> (require teachpack/2htdp/scribblings/img-eval)
> (define-syntax-rule
>  (*sl-eval module-lang reader def ...)
>  ;; ===>>>
>  (let ()
>    (define me (parameterize ([sandbox-propagate-exceptions #f])
>                 (make-img-eval)))
>    (me '(require (only-in racket empty? first rest cons? sqr true false)))
>    (me '(require lang/posn))
>    (me '(require racket/pretty))
>    (me '(current-print pretty-print-handler))
>    (me '(pretty-print-columns 65))
>    (me 'def)
>    ...
>    (call-in-sandbox-context me (lambda () (error-print-source-location #f)))
>    (call-in-sandbox-context me (lambda () (sandbox-output 'string)))
>    (call-in-sandbox-context me (lambda () (sandbox-error-output 'string)))
>    (call-in-sandbox-context me (lambda () (sandbox-propagate-exceptions #f)))
>    (call-in-sandbox-context me (lambda ()
> 				  (current-print-convert-hook
> 				    (let ([prev (current-print-convert-hook)])
> 				      ;; tell `print-convert' to leave images as themselves:
> 				      (lambda (v basic sub)
> 					(if (convertible? v)
> 					    v
> 					    (prev v basic sub)))))
> 				  (pretty-print-size-hook
> 				    (let ([prev (pretty-print-size-hook)])
> 				      ;; tell `pretty-print' that we'll handle images specially:
> 				      (lambda (v w? op)
> 					(if (convertible? v) 1 (prev v w? op)))))
> 				  (pretty-print-print-hook
> 				    (let ([prev (pretty-print-print-hook)])
> 				      ;; tell `pretty-print' how to handle images, which is
> 				      ;; by using `write-special':
> 				      (lambda (v w? op)
> 					(if (convertible? v) (write-special v op) (prev v w? op)))))
> 				  ((dynamic-require 'htdp/bsl/runtime 'configure)
> 				   (dynamic-require reader 'options))))
>    (call-in-sandbox-context me (lambda () (namespace-require module-lang)))
>    (interaction-eval #:eval me (require 2htdp/image))
>    (interaction-eval #:eval me (require 2htdp/batch-io))
>    (error-display-handler
>     (lambda (msg exn)
>       (if (exn? exn)
>           (display (get-rewriten-error-message exn) (current-error-port))
>           (eprintf "uncaught exception: ~e" exn))))
>    me))
> (require lang/private/rewrite-error-message)
> (define-syntax-rule
>  (bsl-eval def ...)
>  (*sl-eval 'lang/htdp-beginner 'htdp/bsl/lang/reader def ...))
> ;; Here is how I use this in chapter 1 to get error messages: 
> @interaction[#:eval (bsl-eval)
> (string-length 42)
> ]
> It's not perfect but it comes reasonably close in most cases. 
> -- Matthias
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