[racket] handin-server install problem: gnu-gunzip bad header

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Sun Apr 6 18:53:03 EDT 2014

I'm sorry, I'm still not seeing how this can happen, unless the file is
corrupt. I've pushed a change to DrRacket so that it prints the first 100
characters of the file it is trying to unpack in hopes that that might give
us a clue to what's going wrong.

There should be a new snapshot build available here:


tomorrow morning. (If the title of the page doesn't start with "20140407-"
then that means the snapshot build failed and you won't find my change in
those builds.)

If you have access to the machine, it should be easy to download the
appropriate version and give it a try.

Sorry I don't have better news....


On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 7:46 AM, Robby Findler
<robby at eecs.northwestern.edu>wrote:

> I don't have any ideas. Are you using the machine yourself to try this out?
> Can you point me to the file so I can try it?
> Oh, except one thing: the "installation complete" message is completely
> misleading here. It just means "I'm done" not "I succeeded".
> Robby
> On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 11:40 PM, Breanndán Ó Nualláin <bon at science.uva.nl>wrote:
>> Thanks for the suggestion Robby but no luck, I'm afraid.
>> DrRacket gives the error below. Although it then claims to complete the
>> installation, the server button doesn't appear even after a restart.
>> From the error message it seems that gnu-unzip expects the first two bytes
>> of the file to be #o037 and #o213. Looking at the .plt file, I can see
>> that
>> they are indeed those values.
>> Any idea?
>> Breanndán
>> gnu-unzip: bad header
>>   context...:
>>    /Applications/Racket v6.0/collects/file/gunzip.rkt:866:2: do-gunzip
>> exception raised by error escape handler: continuation application:
>> attempt to jump into an escape continuation; original exception raised:
>> gnu-unzip: bad header
>> not an unpackable distribution archive
>>   context...:
>>    /Applications/Racket v6.0/collects/setup/unpack.rkt:274:7
>>    /Applications/Racket v6.0/collects/setup/setup-core.rkt:197:13:
>> for-loop
>>    /Applications/Racket v6.0/collects/setup/setup-core.rkt:59:0:
>> setup-core
>>    /Applications/Racket v6.0/collects/setup/setup.rkt:56:3
>> exception raised by error escape handler: continuation application:
>> attempt to jump into an escape continuation; original exception raised: not
>> an unpackable distribution archive
>> Installation complete.
>> >>>>> "Robby" == Robby Findler <robby at eecs.northwestern.edu> writes:
>>     Robby> Is he giving a URL to DrRacket? If so could there be something
>>     Robby> operating at the network layer (a proxy maybe) that gets in the
>>     Robby> way?
>>     Robby> A simple thing to try is visit the URL in a browser, save the
>>     Robby> file and then give DrRacket the path to the file (in that same
>>     Robby> dialog box).
>>     Robby> Robby
>>     Robby> On Wednesday, April 2, 2014, Breanndán Ó Nualláin
>>     Robby> <bon at science.uva.nl
>>     >> wrote:
>>     Robby>     This semester I set up a handin server and all my students
>>     Robby> are using it ...except for one.
>>     Robby>     When he tries to install the prepared plt file via "Install
>>     Robby> .plt file", DrRacket gives the complaint "gnu-gunzip bad
>>     Robby> header". Does anyone have a pointer to what the problem might
>>     Robby> be?
>>     Robby>     He's using DrRacket v6.0.0 on a Mac.
>>     Robby>     The plt file installs successfully for all other students
>> on
>>     Robby> a range of Mac, Windows and Linux environments.
>>     Robby>     Thanks,
>>     Robby>     Breanndán
>>     Robby>     ____________________ Racket Users list:
>>     Robby> http://lists.racket-lang.org/users
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