[racket] free-id-table. Is it a bug?

From: Ryan Culpepper (ryanc at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Thu Apr 3 09:37:33 EDT 2014

On 04/03/2014 01:26 AM, Roman Klochkov wrote:
> #lang racket
> (require (for-syntax syntax/id-table))
> (define-for-syntax table (make-free-id-table))
> (define-syntax (save-and-define stx)
>    (syntax-case stx ()
>       [(_ ID) (free-id-table-set! table #'ID 1) #'(define ID 1)]))

The problem is that save-and-define puts ID in the table, but then the 
code it produces (the definition) changes the binding of ID, so when you 
try to look it up the two versions of ID might not match.

The fix is to put the table update after the definition:

(define-syntax (save-and-define stx)
   (syntax-case stx ()
     [(_ ID)
          (define ID 1)
            (free-id-table-set! table #'ID 1)))]))

Or if you want this to work in internal definition contexts:

(define-syntax (save-and-define stx)
   (syntax-case stx ()
     [(_ ID)
          (define ID 1)
          (define-syntaxes ()
            (begin0 (values) (free-id-table-set! table #'ID 1))))]))


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