[racket] Servlet static file paths, I just don't get it
Hi Erich,
You have programmed your servlet to respond to all requests, including
requests to URLs like "http://your-server.com/images/Sloth.png". If
you go to that URL, you'll see that it shows you the result of
On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 4:05 PM, Erich Rast <erich at snafu.de> wrote:
> This is driving me nuts, I just cannot find the place where my servlet
> gets static files from. I run the following "server.scm" in a directory
> in which there is also "htdocs/images/Sloth.png" but no matter what
> combination of img src file paths and extra-file-paths I try,
> respond-unknown does not want to display the Sloth.png when I click run:
> #lang racket
> (require web-server/web-server
> web-server/dispatch
> web-server/servlet-env
> web-server/servlet)
> (require "lottery/darkstar-lottery.scm")
> (define (respond-unknown req)
> (response/xexpr '(html
> (head (title "The 3-Toed Sloth"))
> (body
> (img ([src "images/Sloth.png"]))
> (h1 "Under construction")))))
> (define-values (dispatch input-url)
> (dispatch-rules
> (("lottery") lottery-app)
> (else respond-unknown)))
You did it right here when you said that if you go to anything other
than "/lottery" then you should run 'respond-unknown'
If you look at section 5.1 of the documentation (the first section on
dispatch-rules) that has this paragraph:
"When you use web-server/dispatch with serve/servlet, you almost
always want to use the #:servlet-regexp argument with the value "" to
capture all top-level requests. However, make sure you don’t include
an else in your rules if you are also serving static files, or else
the filesystem server will never see the requests."
The problem mentioned is exactly what you did.
> (serve/servlet dispatch ; answers requests
> #:servlet-path "" ; is the default URL
> #:extra-files-paths (list (build-path
> (current-directory) "htdocs"))
> #:port 8080 ; is the port
> #:servlet-regexp #rx"")
> How do I make the servlet serve the file "htdocs/images/Sloth.png"
> relative to the servlet source directory and how do I address it in the
> "img" tag? I tried absolute paths, too, but no luck.
> Best,
> Erich
> P.S. For completeness, the content of
> lottery/darkstar-lottery.scm:
> #lang racket
> (require web-server/servlet
> web-server/servlet-env)
> (provide lottery-app)
> (define (draw n total)
> (sort
> (take
> (shuffle (for/list ((i (in-range total)))
> (add1 i)))
> n)
> <))
> (define (stringify numbers)
> (string-append
> (apply string-append
> (for/list ([n (in-list (reverse (cdr (reverse numbers))))])
> (format "~a, " n)))
> (format "~a" (car (reverse numbers)))))
> (define (euromillions)
> (define (draw-5-of-50)
> (draw 5 50))
> (define (draw-2-of-11)
> (draw 2 11))
> (format "The next lottery result is ~a with additional numbers ~a."
> (stringify (draw-5-of-50))
> (stringify (draw-2-of-11))))
> (define (lottery-app req)
> (response/xexpr
> `(html (head (title "Euromillions"))
> (body (p ,(euromillions))))))
> ;(serve/servlet lottery-app
> ; #:servlet-path "/lottery"
> ; #:port 8080
> ; #:command-line #t)
> ____________________
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> http://lists.racket-lang.org/users
Jay McCarthy <jay at cs.byu.edu>
Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University
"The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93