[racket] [RacketCon / Hackathon] porting Olin Shivers's scsh

From: Vlad Kozin (vladilen.kozin at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Sep 24 10:13:51 EDT 2013

Yep, saw it. It's Scheme48 dependent though. I believe Homebrew build is based on Roderic's code [1]. What I have in mind though is being able to say #lang scsh followed by superficially scsh syntax for processes, posix calls and SRE-powered notation for string manipulation and matching. Racket standard library is so powerful that I hope I can get away with just rolling out scsh-interface with Racket facilities under the hood. It's more of a "meaty" exercise for me, than something people will find use for given that thanks to Roderic you already have scsh in your terminal. 

That being said, I just wrote to Roderic. Thanks for the advice Norman! 

[1] https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/blob/master/Library/Formula/scsh.rb

On Sep 24, 2013, at 4:37 PM, Norman Gray wrote:

> Vlad, hello.
> On 2013 Sep 24, at 13:13, Vlad Kozin wrote:
>> any hackathon attendees familiar with scsh implementation? Thought I'd get a crack at porting it to Racket while I'm at Hacker School [1] this fall. If all goes according to plan I'll touch down in NYC, catch a bus to Boston and join you on 28. Will appreciate any pointers, advice, words of wisdom. If there's anything other then official scsh docs and Olin's papers I should go over before hackathon do tell, I'll have plenty of time on the plane and bus. Would very much like to end 28 Sep with something runnable.
> Roderic Morris <https://github.com/roderyc> is working on getting scsh 0.7 up and running on github <https://github.com/scheme/scsh>, and he seems to be based in Boston.  It'd probably be worth pinging him about this.
> All the best,
> Norman
> -- 
> Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk
> SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

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