[racket] scribble to stdout
I wonder whether I can use scribble as script a scripting
language, to generate html on the fly. Consider the
following minipage:
Here is the script that generated it:
#!/usr/bin/env racket/bin/racket
#lang racket
(display (~a "Content-type: text/html
<h1>Racket for CGI</h1>
<p>One often cannot use Racket to
serve html pages. Inexpensive
hosting services stick to
Apache, and that is it.</p>
Let us see how to use CGI from
Racket, etc. etc.
You need to get permission from
your hosting service to use ssh.
Then create a rkt folder, and
give it chmod a+x rkt permission.
Then create a .htaccess file, and
inform Apache abour Racket extensions...
<p>Addhandler .rkt .s .r</p>
<p>And that is all.</p>
If the author of this minipage could write
scripts in scribble, it would become something
like this:
#!/usr/bin/env racket/bin/scribble --script
#lang scribble/base
@title{Racket for CGI}
One often cannot use Racket to
serve html pages. Inexpensive
hosting services stick to
Apache, and that is it.
Let us see how to use CGI from
Racket, etc. etc.
You need to get permission from
your hosting service to use ssh.
Then create a rkt folder, and
give it chmod a+x rkt permission.
bla, bla, bla...
I guess this feature is very easy to
implement, and would be appreciated.
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