[racket] Poppler (pdf-render) on OS X

From: Jens Axel Søgaard (jensaxel at soegaard.net)
Date: Sat Sep 21 08:37:03 EDT 2013

Hi All,

I am trying to get pdf-render from PLaneT to work on OS X.

The library pdf-render uses the C library Poppler to render pdfs with
Cairo. This can be used to render pdfs as
normal picts (useful in slideshows). My intention is to render LaTeX
equations as pdf and then convert them
into picts (to be used for labels).

My problem is that I can't get pdf-render to work on OS X.

What works: I can open a document, a page and search for text in the
document. It is the rendering that fails for me. The rendering
functions in pdf-render all call page-render-to-dc! at which point
DrRacket crashes for me.

The function page-render-to-dc! is defined here:

I am trying to eliminate possible causes for this, so I am curious to
hear if you have tried pdf-render on OS X with success?

I know from the author that it works on Ubuntu.

If so I am interested in the version of numbers of Poppler and Cairo
you are using.

    (require (planet gcr/pdf-render:2:=2))



Jens Axel Søgaard

Posted on the users mailing list.