[racket] Strange editor behaviour

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Sat Sep 14 16:00:55 EDT 2013

A little more progress: it turns out that simply turning on and turning off
an edit-sequence in a text% object clears some internal state in a text%
object (the extend-streak? field) and, when the search bars are open, more
edit sequences are flying around. That seems wrong to me (that starting and
ending an edit-sequence would clear this state), but I'm not sure if the
answer can be as simple as avoiding this state-clearing action or not.
Anyways, here's some simple code that demonstrates how far I've gotten.

#lang racket/base
(require rackunit racket/class racket/gui/base)

(check-equal? (let ()
                (define t (new text%))
                (send t insert "abcdef")
                (send t set-position 3 3)
                (send t move-position 'right #t)
                (send t move-position 'left #t)
                (list (send t get-start-position)
                      (send t get-end-position)))
              (list 3 3))

(check-equal? (let ()
                (define t (new text%))
                (send t insert "abcdef")
                (send t set-position 3 3)
                (send t move-position 'right #t)
                (send t begin-edit-sequence)
                (send t end-edit-sequence)
                (send t move-position 'left #t)
                (list (send t get-start-position)
                      (send t get-end-position)))
              (list 3 3))


On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Neil Toronto <neil.toronto at gmail.com>wrote:

> Yes! You figured it out! This has been bugging me for months.
> Here's more info, in case it helps. In addition to SHIFT+Left,
> SHIFT+Right, SHIFT+Up and SHIFT+Down always expanding the selection when
> Replace is shown, so does SHIFT-End, and all the SHIFT+ALT arrow combos and
> SHIFT+CTRL combos. SHIFT-Home only works when the selection doesn't span
> multiple lines.
> If the Search box is empty, selection works as expected. (That is, getting
> in this always-expanding-selection or caret-position-forgetting state
> requires the Replace box to be shown and the Search box to have text in
> it.) If the Search box has text in it, it doesn't matter whether it's
> found. I'm guessing there's some caret-wrangling code for the search bar
> that causes the editor to forget the caret position while selecting.
> Selection in the REPL also seems to be affected by Search and Replace in
> exactly the same way. (I haven't tested it thoroughly.)
> We should have Eli test this because he's had the same problem. IIRC, he
> uses Linux, and so do I: I've seen this on Ubuntu 12.04 and 13.04.
> Neil ⊥
> On 09/14/2013 08:20 AM, bhrgunatha wrote:
>> After lots of head scratching and experimenting I have a consistent cause.
>> It seems like the Search and Replace bar causes some problem.
>> It is only happening when the Replace text box is visible.
>> This weird behaviour disappears if the I click the Hide Replace button
>> or choose Hide Replace from the Edit menu.
>> I've also noticed that S:C:R stops working after the Replace text box
>> and buttons have disappeared. That is I can't Hide, then Re show the
>> Replace text box.
>> I hope that helps you fix the problem, but I'm pretty happy now I know
>> how to get the correct operation back again.
>> Thanks,
>> Bhrgunatha
>> On 14/09/13 20:04, Robby Findler wrote:
>>> This sounds like a bug in the implementation of the shift-left and
>>> shift-right keybindings.
>>> If you can give some kind of a step by step procedure to get into the
>>> bad state, then I think we can probably fix it.
>>> Robby
>>> On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 6:16 AM, bhrgunatha <bhrgunatha at hotmail.com
>>> <mailto:bhrgunatha at hotmail.com**>> wrote:
>>>     I'm having a problem editing programs using DrRacket. This happened
>>>     once before but went away after re-installing. [1].
>>>     I'm having the same issue again. Basically the behaviour of text
>>>     selection is changes while I open and edit different files running a
>>>     single instance of DrRacket.
>>>     If I select some text and then press SHIFT+Left instead of altering
>>>     the selection based on the current cursor position, the selection is
>>>     extended left from the beginning of the text currently selected.
>>>     Similarly for SHIFT+Right - it extends the text selection one
>>>     character to the right from the end of the selection rather than the
>>>     current cursor position. Same for SHIFT+Down, SHIFT+Up.
>>>     Is there some key binding or setting in DrRacket that controls the
>>>     way text selection is handled that I am accidentally hitting?
>>>     It doesn't happen in any other editor - it's specific to DrRacket.
>>>     If I quit DrRacket and re-open it normal operation continues for a
>>>     while again. I don't know if it's a bug or some setting in DrRacket
>>>     that I am unaware of.
>>>     My current specs are:
>>>     Arch Linux 64 bit:
>>>     Linux 3.10.10-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>>     DrRacket 5.3.6.
>>>     (This is a version I compiled myself - but it's the same using the
>>>     Arch binary package - racket 5.3.6-1)
>>>     Can someone offer any advice?
>>>     Bhrgunatha
>>>     [1]
>>> http://article.gmane.org/__**gmane.comp.lang.racket.user/__**
>>> 17034/match=bhrgunatha<http://article.gmane.org/__gmane.comp.lang.racket.user/__17034/match=bhrgunatha>
>>> <http://article.gmane.org/**gmane.comp.lang.racket.user/**
>>> 17034/match=bhrgunatha<http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.racket.user/17034/match=bhrgunatha>
>>> >
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