[racket] How much RAM does a Racket personal blog need?
Thanks Greg. I'll probably choose services like Digital Ocean for learning.
On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 1:48 AM, Greg Hendershott <greghendershott at gmail.com
> wrote:
> Racket in general -- and a small server written in it -- runs fine
> even on Amazon EC2 "micro" instances. They have enough RAM. They
> aren't very fast, but the CPU can "burst" for ~10 seconds, which for
> many server roles is all you need.
> If you wanted a full-time offsite machine, I'd suggest something like
> Digital Ocean as being more affordable than even a "reserved instance"
> at Amazon. They start at $5/month[1]. For example recently I've been
> experimenting with making such a machine my main dev box and ssh-ing
> into it from whatever -- from a laptop, from an iPad with ISSH, etc.
> If you're comfortable with tmux and emacs, this works surprisingly
> well. Of course you could also run a server like this from your home.
> Different pros and cons WRT to reliability, power, cooling,
> maintenance, bandwidth, physical security, digital security, and so
> on.
> However: Neil's advice (as usual) is excellent about making things as
> static as possible. In fact you can take this even further and make
> your entire site static[2], and as result host it on e.g. GitHub
> (free) or Amazon S3 (inexpensive). That way, when one of your blog
> posts makes the front page of HN, handling the brief traffic surge
> won't be your problem. :)
> So when you want a production server to "just work", that can be a
> better way to go. Of course when your main goal is to learn hands-on
> it's better to roll your own.
> [1]: https://www.digitalocean.com/
> [2]: Although the site is static files on the server, it can still
> have some "dynamism" from JavaScript running on clients.
> On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 10:52 PM, Neil Van Dyke <neil at neilvandyke.org>
> wrote:
> > Ben Duan wrote at 09/10/2013 10:33 PM:
> >
> >>
> >> I'm buying a VPS to build my personal blog and learn Racket through the
> >> process. But I don't know how much RAM do I need. Do you have any
> >> suggestions? And any other suggestions on how to choose a VPS for
> Racket?
> >>
> >
> > You can determine this empirically.
> >
> > Before you do, consider how you want to architect and deploy your app.
> > Personally, I often like to start by making as much as possible static
> files
> > that could be served by Apache or nginx (or a CDN), and then having
> deployed
> > Racket run only for the parts that need to be dynamic (using my
> bare-bones
> > "scgi" PLaneT package, or the Racket Web Server if I need
> continuations). I
> > also like to have Racket generate the static HTML files (using my
> > "html-writing" and "html-template" PLaneT packages), as well as to
> prepare a
> > staging directory to "rsync" to the server for deployment.
> >
> > Also, a big advantage of the cloud is that you can scale up easily. For
> > example, you could start with an Amazon EC2 free instance with Debian
> > GNU/Linux, deploy your app to it, run JMeter against it with the peak
> load
> > you want to support, and see whether you need a bigger instance. If you
> > don't have anything non-stock on the instance other than what you "rsync"
> > from a staging tree, upgrading instances is even easier.
> >
> > Neil V.
> >
> > ____________________
> > Racket Users list:
> > http://lists.racket-lang.org/users
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