[racket] DrRacket Plugins require drracket/too-lib alone seems to cause error
This is a case of confusing documentation. The signatures
drracket:tool-exports^ and drracket:tool^ are exported by the drracket/tool
library, not the drracket/tool-lib library. I've pushed some changes that
should help going forward.
Just as a cautionary note, tho, the require line at the beginning of some
manual or other does not mean that that require gets everything in the
manual. It just means that's a particularly important or useful one. (Not
sure if that's what you were going by here, tho, but just thought I'd
mention that.)
On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 1:20 AM, Stephen De Gabrielle <
stephen.degabrielle at acm.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> 'raco setup -l tool-name' fails for tools with only '(require
> drracket/too-lib)' fails with an unknown signature error[1]
> Requiring 'drracket/tool' resolves the error, but this doesn't match the
> plugins documentation. (e.g.
> http://download.racket-lang.org/docs/5.3.6/html/tools/ )
> I don't know if this is a documentation error, a bug, or if I have just
> mis-read the documentation. I've included a sample of my code [2].
> [1] unknown signature error
> raco setup: --- summary of errors ---
> raco setup: error: during making for <collects>/get-defns (get-defns)
> raco setup: collects/get-defns/tool.rkt:13:12: unit: unknown signature
> raco setup: at: drracket:tool^
> raco setup: in: (unit (import drracket:tool^) (export
> drracket:tool-exports^) (define (phase1) (void)) (define (phase2) (void))
> (define-local-member-name update-counts get-counts-txt) (define tab-mixin
> (mixin (drracket:unit:tab<%>) () (define txt (new text%)) (define/p...
> raco setup: context...:
> raco setup: /Applications/Racket
> v5.90.0.9/collects/racket/private/unit-compiletime.rkt:343:0:
> process-import/export
> raco setup: /Applications/Racket
> v5.90.0.9/collects/racket/private/unit-compiletime.rkt:323:0:
> process-tagged-import/export
> raco setup: /Applications/Racket
> v5.90.0.9/collects/racket/private/unit-utils.rkt:113:2
> [2]example code
> #lang racket/gui
> (require drracket/tool
> drracket/tool-lib
> string-constants
> framework)
> (provide tool@)
> (define tool@
> (unit
> (import drracket:tool^)
> (export drracket:tool-exports^)
> (define (phase1) (void))
> (define (phase2) (void))
> (define-local-member-name update-counts get-counts-txt)
> Kind regards,
> Stephen
> --
> Stephen De Gabrielle <http://www.degabrielle.name/stephen>
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