[racket] Question on error message

From: Alvin Schatte (AlvinSchatte at skytex.net)
Date: Wed Sep 4 22:22:01 EDT 2013

Hello Carl,
Thank you for looking at this.  I am writing contracts and playing with documentation for a fairly large module that, right now, performs a system identification function.  The file is attached.  I made several changes without “Run”ning, so I’m not sure what changed caused the error.
Thank you again for your help,
Alvin Schatte

From: Carl Eastlund 
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 9:06 PM
To: Alvin Schatte 
Cc: Racket Users 
Subject: Re: [racket] Question on error message


That looks like an internal error message from some language feature you're using, unless you're using something like begin-lifted or syntax-local-lift-expression directly.  Often the contract system generates names for internal use like "lifted.171", but there shouldn't be duplicate definitions, and if there are, it's likely not your fault.  Can you share the code that causes this error message?  If so, someone may be able to diagnose the error.  Otherwise, with just the error message, we don't have much to go on.

Carl Eastlund

On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 9:59 PM, Alvin Schatte <AlvinSchatte at skytex.net> wrote:

  I got the following error message after <Ctrl-R> in Dr. Racket.  I am not sure what  it means:

  module: duplicate definition for identifier in: lifted.171

  Could someone explain it to me?
  Alvin Schatte

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