[racket] Reasonable subset of packages in 5.3.6 for "minimal" installation?
Context for my question: I'm working on the Homebrew formula for
and I'd like to offer a version that has as few dependencies as possible.
>From what I've seen of the current state of the repository, it seems like
the PLTeam has already adopted the ideas that Matthew Flatt explored in
min-racket <https://github.com/mflatt/min-racket>. I've tried to reproduce
a similar situation with the 5.3.6 release.
>From all of the packages that are usually installed by default in
I selected the following:
- compiler
- data
- db
- dynext
- ffi
- file
- json
- launcher
- net
- openssl
- pkg
- planet
- racket
- raco
- reader
- s-exp
- setup
- syntax
- unstable
- version
- xml
So, is this reasonable? Or is it a misguided idea, fated to plunge users of
Homebrew into a morass of mysterious errors?
Thank you for any guidance,
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