[racket] Developing a Recursive Descent Parser in Racket
A lex&yacc-like pair of parser tools is included in Racket, and works
OK. http://doc.racket-lang.org/parser-tools/
Danny Yoo did some work on higher-level parser specification. I'm not
sure what's a good URL, but here are some:
If you want to write a parser by hand, you can use things like
"read-char", "peek-char", and regexp-matching to tokenize, and use
procedures for simple recursive descent. This is how my old permissive
HTML parser was implemented. Or other ways (e.g., if your parser is
doing heavy backtracking on the input characters/bytes directly rather
than on an intermediate token stream/list, maybe read the input into a
big string or byte-string first, rather than port-peeking or file-seeking).
Neil V.