[racket] shell-completion package missing

From: Vlad Kozin (vladilen.kozin at gmail.com)
Date: Sat Oct 5 16:45:00 EDT 2013

while we're at it I think:

> vkz at vkz-air:~/work/marketplace [master]$ raco pkg install shell-completion

installs an empty package:

> vkz at vkz-air:~/Library/Racket/5.3.6$ ll pkgs/installed/shell-completion/
> total 8
> drwxr-xr-x  3 vkz  staff   102B Oct  5 16:31 .
> drwxr-xr-x  5 vkz  staff   170B Oct  5 16:31 ..
> -rw-r--r--  1 vkz  staff   269B Oct  5 16:31 info.rkt

> vkz at vkz-air:~/Library/Racket/5.3.6/pkgs/installed/shell-completion$ cat info.rkt 
> #lang setup/infotab
> ;; This is an empty package that can act as a placeholder. For
> ;; example, it can be used for a v5.3.x implementation of a package
> ;; that is built into that version (but exists as a real package for
> ;; later versions).
> (define collection 'multi)

Again, I apologies if I'm doing something wrong and not seeing it. Be grateful if someone could could point out what. 

Vlad Kozin <vladilen.kozin at gmail.com>

On Oct 5, 2013, at 4:22 PM, Vlad Kozin wrote:

> btw the online link in the shell-completion section of the docs is dead
> ---
> Vlad Kozin <vladilen.kozin at gmail.com>
> On Oct 5, 2013, at 4:12 PM, Vlad Kozin wrote:
>>> First, by default the pkg.racket-lang.org front page doesn't show
>>> packages that are part of the main distribution.  The package you're
>>> looking for is here: https://pkg.racket-lang.org/info/shell-completion
>> oh, I didn't realize that. Thank you for pointing out. 
>>> But if you're on 5.3.6, they should be where the docs say in you install.
>> I promise you they're not. I don't even have collects/meta directory. It is entirely possible that I messed up my installation somehow, so I just downloaded a clean .dmg for 5.3.6 64bit from the website. no collects/meta there either. Am I being stupid and looking in the wrong place? 
>> Docs say:
>>> The "meta" collection is only available in the Racket Full distribution
>> What's Racket Full distribution?
>> Thanks

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