[racket] Transferring DrRacket preferences
You should be able to run
(find-system-path 'prefs-file)
on both machines to find the source and destination for the file.
It is possible that this will cause runtime errors, but those would all be
bugs, so if you let us know about them, we'll fix them (and, in general, it
is easy to remove specific preferences from the file to get back to the
default version of those prefs).
On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 6:50 PM, Harry Spier <vasishtha.spier at gmail.com>
> I've just downloaded Racket to a new laptop and I want to transfer my
DrRacket preferences from my old laptop to the new. The Racket version on
the old laptop is 5.3.3 windows x86-32 bit, on the new one its windows
> Is there a preferences file that I can just transfer from the old laptop
to the new to do this.
> Thanks,
> Harry Spier
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