[racket] why an implicit begin to encapsulate the template in syntax-case ?

From: Andre Mayers (Andre.Mayers at USherbrooke.ca)
Date: Thu Nov 21 21:33:25 EST 2013

(define-syntax test 

  (λ (stx) 

    (syntax-case stx () 

      [(_ a b)

       (define #'a #'b)])))

(test a 2) 

;begin (possibly implicit): no expression after a sequence of internal

;(begin (define #'a #'b))


If you can pinpoint the answer in the reference manual, I will appreciate


Thank you




André Mayers, Ph.D., M. Ps.

professeur agrégé

Département d'informatique

Université de Sherbrooke

Sherbrooke (Québec) Canada J1K 2R1

tél: +1 819-821-8000 poste 62041

fax: +1 819-821-8200

 <mailto:andre.mayers at usherbrooke.ca> andre.mayers at usherbrooke.ca



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