[racket] Separate files in the HtDP languages?

From: Norman Ramsey (nr at cs.tufts.edu)
Date: Sun Nov 17 13:31:25 EST 2013

 > You can `require` a module that is implemented in ISL, but ISL doesn't
 > include `provide`, so you normally don't get anything from the module.
 > Since ISL includes `require`, you can use it to get `provide`. For
 > example, if "p.rkt" has
 >  #lang racket
 >  (provide provide)
 > then "a.rkt" in ISL could be
 >  (require "p.rkt")
 >  ...
 >  (provide sum)

Thanks!  For the archives, I tried the shortcut

  (require (only-in racket/base provide))

but this form is not valid ISL.  So the additional file with #lang
racket, whose only role is to provide `provide` to ISL, seems to be
the way to go.


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