[racket] Racket Salon Boston (A Boston-area Meet-Up for Racketeers and Friends)
Racket Salon Boston is a meet up for folks interested in Racket and
functional programming. Each meeting consists of a couple talks,
chit-chat, and a group outing for dinner.
The atmosphere is open to people of all skill levels and interests. We
are eager to meet students, professionals, hobbyists, and other
interested individuals!
The inaugural meeting of Racket Salon Boston will be held on the Ninth
of December from 7pm to 10pm at Northeastern University. You probably
want to subscribe to our calendar [2].
We're looking for speakers to share with us their stories of Racket
hacks, frustrations, and joys. If you're interested in sharing some
wisdom, please contact me [1].
If you know you'll attend, we would love an RSVP so we can plan for
space accordingly. Nonetheless, don't skip out just because you
haven't RSVP'ed in advance!
[1] https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/1nl1bmna43u6n5989ee1uannao%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
[2] daniel.zidan.king at gmail.com
Notice repeated here: https://dekvek.com/racket-salon
Dan King