[racket] quick-sort algorithm in scheme could be used in real world?
Hi Li,
Well, a list is immutable, so you are not going to do an in-place sort on
it anyway.
As about "real-world", you seem to have more confidence in the real world
than me.
"Real-world" code would probably use bubble sort.
With bugs.
Which cannot be fixed since then the customers' results change and they
have to re-do their legal paperwork that everything is OK.
2013/11/14 Li Weijian <liweijian.hust at gmail.com>
> I found the quick-sort in HTDP:
> http://www.htdp.org/2003-09-26/Book/curriculum-Z-H-32.html#node_sec_25.2
> This algorithm is not an in place algorithm such as we implement in
> java/c++.
> I am curious such that LISP quick-sort algorithm could be used in real
> world?
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