[racket] Separated slideshow slides into multiple files

From: 韩锴 (isaachanstar at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Nov 11 05:46:31 EST 2013

Hi there,

As we have three people to create a slideshow. We separated the slides into
three parts. Can I create files follows:

=== slides.rkt ===
(include part1.rkt)
(include part2.rkt)
(include part3.rkt)

=== part1.rkt ===
(slide (text "Part 1"))

=== part2.rkt ===
(slide (text "Part 2"))

=== part3.rkt ===
(slide (text "Part 3"))

So that, each one can focus on his part without any conflict?

*Han Kai*

T:+86 186-123-13790
E: isaachan.star at gmail.com
Skype: isaachan1984

"To iterate is human, to recurse divine." - L. Peter Deutsch
*http://isaachan.github.com <http://isaachan.github.com/>*
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