[racket] Reasonable subset of packages in 5.3.6 for "minimal" installation?

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Fri Nov 1 09:06:39 EDT 2013

My guess is that this isn't going to work easily for v5.3.6.

For the next release, of course, we're directly supporting the idea of
a minimal installation. But we had to shuffle things a little to arrive
at a minimal set of libraries, and you wouldn't want to repeat that

At Fri, 25 Oct 2013 17:33:03 -0400, Josh Tilles wrote:
> Context for my question: I'm working on the Homebrew formula for
> Racket<https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/pull/22420>,
> and I'd like to offer a version that has as few dependencies as possible.
> From what I've seen of the current state of the repository, it seems like
> the PLTeam has already adopted the ideas that Matthew Flatt explored in
> min-racket <https://github.com/mflatt/min-racket>. I've tried to reproduce
> a similar situation with the 5.3.6 release.
> From all of the packages that are usually installed by default in
> 5.3.6<https://github.com/plt/racket/tree/ded0c4a8474baa61ac84fb27dfb5353965fb75
> 6b/collects>,
> I selected the following:
>    - compiler
>    - data
>    - db
>    - dynext
>    - ffi
>    - file
>    - json
>    - launcher
>    - net
>    - openssl
>    - pkg
>    - planet
>    - racket
>    - raco
>    - reader
>    - s-exp
>    - setup
>    - syntax
>    - unstable
>    - version
>    - xml
> So, is this reasonable? Or is it a misguided idea, fated to plunge users of
> Homebrew into a morass of mysterious errors?
> Thank you for any guidance,
> --Josh
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